import * as types from './mutation_types'; import api from '~/api'; import createFlash from '~/flash'; import { s__ } from '~/locale'; import { redirectTo } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { convertObjectPropsToCamelCase } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils'; export const setInitialState = ({ commit }, initialState) => commit(types.SET_INITIAL_STATE, initialState); export const requestRelease = ({ commit }) => commit(types.REQUEST_RELEASE); export const receiveReleaseSuccess = ({ commit }, data) => commit(types.RECEIVE_RELEASE_SUCCESS, data); export const receiveReleaseError = ({ commit }, error) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_RELEASE_ERROR, error); createFlash(s__('Release|Something went wrong while getting the release details')); }; export const fetchRelease = ({ dispatch, state }) => { dispatch('requestRelease'); return api .release(state.projectId, state.tagName) .then(({ data: release }) => { const camelCasedRelease = convertObjectPropsToCamelCase(release, { deep: true }); dispatch('receiveReleaseSuccess', camelCasedRelease); }) .catch(error => { dispatch('receiveReleaseError', error); }); }; export const updateReleaseTitle = ({ commit }, title) => commit(types.UPDATE_RELEASE_TITLE, title); export const updateReleaseNotes = ({ commit }, notes) => commit(types.UPDATE_RELEASE_NOTES, notes); export const requestUpdateRelease = ({ commit }) => commit(types.REQUEST_UPDATE_RELEASE); export const receiveUpdateReleaseSuccess = ({ commit, dispatch }) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_UPDATE_RELEASE_SUCCESS); dispatch('navigateToReleasesPage'); }; export const receiveUpdateReleaseError = ({ commit }, error) => { commit(types.RECEIVE_UPDATE_RELEASE_ERROR, error); createFlash(s__('Release|Something went wrong while saving the release details')); }; export const updateRelease = ({ dispatch, state }) => { dispatch('requestUpdateRelease'); return api .updateRelease(state.projectId, state.tagName, { name:, description: state.release.description, }) .then(() => dispatch('receiveUpdateReleaseSuccess')) .catch(error => { dispatch('receiveUpdateReleaseError', error); }); }; export const navigateToReleasesPage = ({ state }) => { redirectTo(state.releasesPagePath); };