import Mousetrap from 'mousetrap'; import ShortcutsNavigation from './shortcuts_navigation'; export default class ShortcutsFindFile extends ShortcutsNavigation { constructor(projectFindFile) { super(); const oldStopCallback = Mousetrap.stopCallback; this.projectFindFile = projectFindFile; Mousetrap.stopCallback = (e, element, combo) => { if ( element === this.projectFindFile.inputElement[0] && (combo === 'up' || combo === 'down' || combo === 'esc' || combo === 'enter') ) { // when press up/down key in textbox, cusor prevent to move to home/end event.preventDefault(); return false; } return oldStopCallback(e, element, combo); }; Mousetrap.bind('up', this.projectFindFile.selectRowUp); Mousetrap.bind('down', this.projectFindFile.selectRowDown); Mousetrap.bind('esc', this.projectFindFile.goToTree); Mousetrap.bind('enter', this.projectFindFile.goToBlob); } }