/* global Flash */ import successSvg from 'icons/_icon_status_success.svg'; import warningSvg from 'icons/_icon_status_warning.svg'; import simplePoll from '~/lib/utils/simple_poll'; import statusIcon from '../mr_widget_status_icon'; import eventHub from '../../event_hub'; export default { name: 'MRWidgetReadyToMerge', props: { mr: { type: Object, required: true }, service: { type: Object, required: true }, }, data() { return { removeSourceBranch: this.mr.shouldRemoveSourceBranch, mergeWhenBuildSucceeds: false, useCommitMessageWithDescription: false, setToMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds: false, showCommitMessageEditor: false, isMakingRequest: false, isMergingImmediately: false, commitMessage: this.mr.commitMessage, successSvg, warningSvg, }; }, components: { statusIcon, }, computed: { shouldShowMergeWhenPipelineSucceedsText() { return this.mr.isPipelineActive; }, commitMessageLinkTitle() { const withDesc = 'Include description in commit message'; const withoutDesc = "Don't include description in commit message"; return this.useCommitMessageWithDescription ? withoutDesc : withDesc; }, mergeButtonClass() { const defaultClass = 'btn btn-sm btn-success accept-merge-request'; const failedClass = `${defaultClass} btn-danger`; const inActionClass = `${defaultClass} btn-info`; const { pipeline, isPipelineActive, isPipelineFailed, hasCI, ciStatus } = this.mr; if (hasCI && !ciStatus) { return failedClass; } else if (!pipeline) { return defaultClass; } else if (isPipelineActive) { return inActionClass; } else if (isPipelineFailed) { return failedClass; } return defaultClass; }, mergeButtonText() { if (this.isMergingImmediately) { return 'Merge in progress'; } else if (this.shouldShowMergeWhenPipelineSucceedsText) { return 'Merge when pipeline succeeds'; } return 'Merge'; }, shouldShowMergeOptionsDropdown() { return this.mr.isPipelineActive && !this.mr.onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds; }, isMergeButtonDisabled() { const { commitMessage } = this; return Boolean(!commitMessage.length || !this.shouldShowMergeControls() || this.isMakingRequest || this.mr.preventMerge); }, isRemoveSourceBranchButtonDisabled() { return this.isMergeButtonDisabled || !this.mr.canRemoveSourceBranch; }, shouldShowSquashBeforeMerge() { const { commitsCount, enableSquashBeforeMerge } = this.mr; return enableSquashBeforeMerge && commitsCount > 1; }, }, methods: { isMergeAllowed() { return !this.mr.onlyAllowMergeIfPipelineSucceeds || this.mr.isPipelinePassing || this.mr.isPipelineSkipped; }, shouldShowMergeControls() { return this.isMergeAllowed() || this.shouldShowMergeWhenPipelineSucceedsText; }, updateCommitMessage() { const cmwd = this.mr.commitMessageWithDescription; this.useCommitMessageWithDescription = !this.useCommitMessageWithDescription; this.commitMessage = this.useCommitMessageWithDescription ? cmwd : this.mr.commitMessage; }, toggleCommitMessageEditor() { this.showCommitMessageEditor = !this.showCommitMessageEditor; }, handleMergeButtonClick(mergeWhenBuildSucceeds, mergeImmediately) { // TODO: Remove no-param-reassign if (mergeWhenBuildSucceeds === undefined) { mergeWhenBuildSucceeds = this.mr.isPipelineActive; // eslint-disable-line no-param-reassign } else if (mergeImmediately) { this.isMergingImmediately = true; } this.setToMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds = mergeWhenBuildSucceeds === true; const options = { sha: this.mr.sha, commit_message: this.commitMessage, merge_when_pipeline_succeeds: this.setToMergeWhenPipelineSucceeds, should_remove_source_branch: this.removeSourceBranch === true, }; // Only truthy in EE extension of this component if (this.setAdditionalParams) { this.setAdditionalParams(options); } this.isMakingRequest = true; this.service.merge(options) .then(res => res.json()) .then((res) => { const hasError = res.status === 'failed' || res.status === 'hook_validation_error'; if (res.status === 'merge_when_pipeline_succeeds') { eventHub.$emit('MRWidgetUpdateRequested'); } else if (res.status === 'success') { this.initiateMergePolling(); } else if (hasError) { eventHub.$emit('FailedToMerge', res.merge_error); } }) .catch(() => { this.isMakingRequest = false; new Flash('Something went wrong. Please try again.'); // eslint-disable-line }); }, initiateMergePolling() { simplePoll((continuePolling, stopPolling) => { this.handleMergePolling(continuePolling, stopPolling); }); }, handleMergePolling(continuePolling, stopPolling) { this.service.poll() .then(res => res.json()) .then((res) => { if (res.state === 'merged') { // If state is merged we should update the widget and stop the polling eventHub.$emit('MRWidgetUpdateRequested'); eventHub.$emit('FetchActionsContent'); if (window.mergeRequest) { window.mergeRequest.updateStatusText('status-box-open', 'status-box-merged', 'Merged'); window.mergeRequest.hideCloseButton(); window.mergeRequest.decreaseCounter(); } stopPolling(); // If user checked remove source branch and we didn't remove the branch yet // we should start another polling for source branch remove process if (this.removeSourceBranch && res.source_branch_exists) { this.initiateRemoveSourceBranchPolling(); } } else if (res.merge_error) { eventHub.$emit('FailedToMerge', res.merge_error); stopPolling(); } else { // MR is not merged yet, continue polling until the state becomes 'merged' continuePolling(); } }) .catch(() => { new Flash('Something went wrong while merging this merge request. Please try again.'); // eslint-disable-line }); }, initiateRemoveSourceBranchPolling() { // We need to show source branch is being removed spinner in another component eventHub.$emit('SetBranchRemoveFlag', [true]); simplePoll((continuePolling, stopPolling) => { this.handleRemoveBranchPolling(continuePolling, stopPolling); }); }, handleRemoveBranchPolling(continuePolling, stopPolling) { this.service.poll() .then(res => res.json()) .then((res) => { // If source branch exists then we should continue polling // because removing a source branch is a background task and takes time if (res.source_branch_exists) { continuePolling(); } else { // Branch is removed. Update widget, stop polling and hide the spinner eventHub.$emit('MRWidgetUpdateRequested', () => { eventHub.$emit('SetBranchRemoveFlag', [false]); }); stopPolling(); } }) .catch(() => { new Flash('Something went wrong while removing the source branch. Please try again.'); // eslint-disable-line }); }, }, template: `