import { isEmpty, uniqWith, isEqual } from 'lodash'; import AccessorUtilities from '~/lib/utils/accessor'; import { queryToObject } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; import { MAX_RECENT_TOKENS_SIZE, FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM } from './constants'; /** * Strips enclosing quotations from a string if it has one. * * @param {String} value String to strip quotes from * * @returns {String} String without any enclosure */ export const stripQuotes = (value) => value.replace(/^('|")(.*)('|")$/, '$2'); /** * This method removes duplicate tokens from tokens array. * * @param {Array} tokens Array of tokens as defined by `GlFilteredSearch` * * @returns {Array} Unique array of tokens */ export const uniqueTokens = (tokens) => { const knownTokens = []; return tokens.reduce((uniques, token) => { if (typeof token === 'object' && token.type !== FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM) { const tokenString = `${token.type}${token.value.operator}${}`; if (!knownTokens.includes(tokenString)) { uniques.push(token); knownTokens.push(tokenString); } } else { uniques.push(token); } return uniques; }, []); }; /** * Creates a token from a type and a filter. Example returned object * { type: 'myType', value: { data: 'myData', operator: '= '} } * @param {String} type the name of the filter * @param {Object} * @param {Object.value} filter value to be returned as token data * @param {Object.operator} filter operator to be retuned as token operator * @return {Object} * @return {Object.type} token type * @return {Object.value} token value */ function createToken(type, filter) { return { type, value: { data: filter.value, operator: filter.operator } }; } /** * This function takes a filter object and translates it into a token array * @param {Object} filters * @param {Object.myFilterName} a single filter value or an array of filters * @return {Array} tokens an array of tokens created from filter values */ export function prepareTokens(filters = {}) { return Object.keys(filters).reduce((memo, key) => { const value = filters[key]; if (!value) { return memo; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return [...memo, => createToken(key, filterValue))]; } return [...memo, createToken(key, value)]; }, []); } export function processFilters(filters) { return filters.reduce((acc, token) => { const { type, value } = token; const { operator } = value; const tokenValue =; if (!acc[type]) { acc[type] = []; } acc[type].push({ value: tokenValue, operator }); return acc; }, {}); } function filteredSearchQueryParam(filter) { return filter .map(({ value }) => value) .join(' ') .trim(); } /** * This function takes a filter object and maps it into a query object. Example filter: * { myFilterName: { value: 'foo', operator: '=' }, search: [{ value: 'my' }, { value: 'search' }] } * gets translated into: * { myFilterName: 'foo', 'not[myFilterName]': null, search: 'my search' } * @param {Object} filters * @param {Object} filters.myFilterName a single filter value or an array of filters * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} [options.filteredSearchTermKey] if set, 'filtered-search-term' filters are assigned to this key, 'search' is suggested * @return {Object} query object with both filter name and not-name with values */ export function filterToQueryObject(filters = {}, options = {}) { const { filteredSearchTermKey } = options; return Object.keys(filters).reduce((memo, key) => { const filter = filters[key]; if (typeof filteredSearchTermKey === 'string' && key === FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM) { return { ...memo, [filteredSearchTermKey]: filteredSearchQueryParam(filter) }; } let selected; let unselected; if (Array.isArray(filter)) { selected = filter.filter((item) => item.operator === '=').map((item) => item.value); unselected = filter.filter((item) => item.operator === '!=').map((item) => item.value); } else { selected = filter?.operator === '=' ? filter.value : null; unselected = filter?.operator === '!=' ? filter.value : null; } if (isEmpty(selected)) { selected = null; } if (isEmpty(unselected)) { unselected = null; } return { ...memo, [key]: selected, [`not[${key}]`]: unselected }; }, {}); } /** * Extracts filter name from url name, e.g. `not[my_filter]` => `my_filter` * and returns the operator with it depending on the filter name * @param {String} filterName from url * @return {Object} * @return {Object.filterName} extracted filter name * @return {Object.operator} `=` or `!=` */ function extractNameAndOperator(filterName) { // eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings if (filterName.startsWith('not[') && filterName.endsWith(']')) { return { filterName: filterName.slice(4, -1), operator: '!=' }; } return { filterName, operator: '=' }; } /** * Gathers search term as values * @param {String|Array} value * @returns {Array} List of search terms split by word */ function filteredSearchTermValue(value) { const values = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; return values .filter((term) => term) .join(' ') .split(' ') .map((term) => ({ value: term })); } /** * This function takes a URL query string and maps it into a filter object. Example query string: * '?myFilterName=foo' * gets translated into: * { myFilterName: { value: 'foo', operator: '=' } } * @param {String} query URL query string, e.g. from `` * @param {Object} options * @param {Object} options * @param {String} [options.filteredSearchTermKey] if set, a FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM filter is created to this parameter. `'search'` is suggested * @param {String[]} [options.filterNamesAllowList] if set, only this list of filters names is mapped * @param {Boolean} [options.legacySpacesDecode] if set, plus symbols (+) are not encoded as spaces. `false` is suggested * @return {Object} filter object with filter names and their values */ export function urlQueryToFilter(query = '', options = {}) { const { filteredSearchTermKey, filterNamesAllowList, legacySpacesDecode = true } = options; const filters = queryToObject(query, { gatherArrays: true, legacySpacesDecode }); return Object.keys(filters).reduce((memo, key) => { const value = filters[key]; if (!value) { return memo; } if (key === filteredSearchTermKey) { return { ...memo, [FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM]: filteredSearchTermValue(value), }; } const { filterName, operator } = extractNameAndOperator(key); if (filterNamesAllowList && !filterNamesAllowList.includes(filterName)) { return memo; } let previousValues = []; if (Array.isArray(memo[filterName])) { previousValues = memo[filterName]; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { const newAdditions = value.filter(Boolean).map((item) => ({ value: item, operator })); return { ...memo, [filterName]: [...previousValues, ...newAdditions] }; } return { ...memo, [filterName]: { value, operator } }; }, {}); } /** * Returns array of token values from localStorage * based on provided recentSuggestionsStorageKey * * @param {String} recentSuggestionsStorageKey * @returns */ export function getRecentlyUsedSuggestions(recentSuggestionsStorageKey) { let recentlyUsedSuggestions = []; if (AccessorUtilities.isLocalStorageAccessSafe()) { recentlyUsedSuggestions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(recentSuggestionsStorageKey)) || []; } return recentlyUsedSuggestions; } /** * Sets provided token value to recently used array * within localStorage for provided recentSuggestionsStorageKey * * @param {String} recentSuggestionsStorageKey * @param {Object} tokenValue */ export function setTokenValueToRecentlyUsed(recentSuggestionsStorageKey, tokenValue) { const recentlyUsedSuggestions = getRecentlyUsedSuggestions(recentSuggestionsStorageKey); recentlyUsedSuggestions.splice(0, 0, { ...tokenValue }); if (AccessorUtilities.isLocalStorageAccessSafe()) { localStorage.setItem( recentSuggestionsStorageKey, JSON.stringify(uniqWith(recentlyUsedSuggestions, isEqual).slice(0, MAX_RECENT_TOKENS_SIZE)), ); } } /** * Removes `FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM` tokens with empty data * * @param filterTokens array of filtered search tokens * @return {Array} array of filtered search tokens */ export const filterEmptySearchTerm = (filterTokens = []) => filterTokens.filter((token) => token.type === FILTERED_SEARCH_TERM &&;