class Projects::IssuesController < Projects::ApplicationController before_filter :module_enabled before_filter :issue, only: [:edit, :update, :show] # Allow read any issue before_filter :authorize_read_issue! # Allow write(create) issue before_filter :authorize_write_issue!, only: [:new, :create] # Allow modify issue before_filter :authorize_modify_issue!, only: [:edit, :update] # Allow issues bulk update before_filter :authorize_admin_issues!, only: [:bulk_update] respond_to :html def index terms = params['issue_search'] @issues = get_issues_collection @issues = @issues.full_search(terms) if terms.present? @issues =[:page]).per(20) respond_to do |format| format.html format.atom { render layout: false } format.json do render json: { html: view_to_html_string("projects/issues/_issues") } end end end def new params[:issue] ||= assignee_id: "" ) @issue = respond_with(@issue) end def edit respond_with(@issue) end def show @note = @issue) @notes = @issue.notes.inc_author.fresh @noteable = @issue respond_with(@issue) end def create @issue =, current_user, issue_params).execute respond_to do |format| format.html do if @issue.valid? redirect_to project_issue_path(@project, @issue) else render :new end end format.js do |format| @link = @issue.attachment.url.to_js end end end def update @issue =, current_user, issue_params).execute(issue) respond_to do |format| format.js format.html do if @issue.valid? redirect_to [@project, @issue] else render :edit end end format.json do render json: { saved: @issue.valid?, assignee_avatar_url: @issue.assignee.try(:avatar_url) } end end end def bulk_update result =, current_user, params).execute redirect_to :back, notice: "#{result[:count]} issues updated" end protected def issue @issue ||= begin @project.issues.find_by!(iid: params[:id]) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound redirect_old end end def authorize_modify_issue! return render_404 unless can?(current_user, :modify_issue, @issue) end def authorize_admin_issues! return render_404 unless can?(current_user, :admin_issue, @project) end def module_enabled return render_404 unless @project.issues_enabled end # Since iids are implemented only in 6.1 # user may navigate to issue page using old global ids. # # To prevent 404 errors we provide a redirect to correct iids until 7.0 release # def redirect_old issue = @project.issues.find_by(id: params[:id]) if issue redirect_to project_issue_path(@project, issue) return else raise end end def issue_params params.require(:issue).permit( :title, :assignee_id, :position, :description, :milestone_id, :state_event, :task_num, label_ids: [] ) end end