class Projects::PipelineSchedulesController < Projects::ApplicationController before_action :schedule, except: [:index, :new, :create] before_action :play_rate_limit, only: [:play] before_action :authorize_play_pipeline_schedule!, only: [:play] before_action :authorize_read_pipeline_schedule! before_action :authorize_create_pipeline_schedule!, only: [:new, :create] before_action :authorize_update_pipeline_schedule!, except: [:index, :new, :create, :play] before_action :authorize_admin_pipeline_schedule!, only: [:destroy] def index @scope = params[:scope] @all_schedules = @schedules = params[:scope]) .includes(:last_pipeline) end def new @schedule = end def create @schedule = Ci::CreatePipelineScheduleService .new(@project, current_user, schedule_params) .execute if @schedule.persisted? redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project) else render :new end end def edit end def update if schedule.update(schedule_params) redirect_to project_pipeline_schedules_path(@project) else render :edit end end def play job_id = RunPipelineScheduleWorker.perform_async(, if job_id flash[:notice] = "Successfully scheduled a pipeline to run. Go to the Pipelines page for details.".html_safe else flash[:alert] = 'Unable to schedule a pipeline to run immediately' end redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project) end def take_ownership if schedule.update(owner: current_user) redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project) else redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project), alert: _("Failed to change the owner") end end def destroy if schedule.destroy redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project), status: :found else redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project), status: :forbidden, alert: _("Failed to remove the pipeline schedule") end end private def play_rate_limit return unless current_user limiter = :play_pipeline_schedule) return unless limiter.throttled?([current_user, schedule], 1) flash[:alert] = 'You cannot play this scheduled pipeline at the moment. Please wait a minute.' redirect_to pipeline_schedules_path(@project) end def schedule @schedule ||= project.pipeline_schedules.find(params[:id]) end def schedule_params params.require(:schedule) .permit(:description, :cron, :cron_timezone, :ref, :active, variables_attributes: [:id, :key, :secret_value, :_destroy] ) end def authorize_play_pipeline_schedule! return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :play_pipeline_schedule, schedule) end def authorize_update_pipeline_schedule! return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :update_pipeline_schedule, schedule) end def authorize_admin_pipeline_schedule! return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :admin_pipeline_schedule, schedule) end end