# frozen_string_literal: true class Projects::WikiPagesController < Projects::ApplicationController include ProjectWikiActions include SendsBlob include PreviewMarkdown include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize def self.local_prefixes [controller_path, 'shared/wiki'] end before_action :authorize_create_wiki!, only: [:edit, :create, :update] before_action :authorize_admin_wiki!, only: :destroy before_action :load_page, only: [:show, :edit, :update, :history, :destroy] before_action :valid_encoding?, if: -> { %w[show edit update].include?(action_name) && load_page } before_action only: [:edit, :update], unless: :valid_encoding? do redirect_to(project_wiki_path(@project, @page)) end def new redirect_to project_wiki_path(@project, SecureRandom.uuid, random_title: true) end # `#show` handles a number of scenarios: # # - If `id` matches a WikiPage, then show the wiki page. # - If `id` is a file in the wiki repository, then send the file. # - If we know the user wants to create a new page with the given `id`, # then display a create form. # - Otherwise show the empty wiki page and invite the user to create a page. def show if @page show_page elsif file_blob show_blob elsif should_create_missing_page? create_missing_page else render 'missing_page' end end def edit end def update @page = WikiPages::UpdateService .new(@project, current_user, wiki_params) .execute(@page) return saved(:updated) if @page.valid? render 'edit' rescue WikiPage::PageChangedError, WikiPage::PageRenameError, Gitlab::Git::Wiki::OperationError => e @error = e render 'edit' end def create @page = WikiPages::CreateService .new(@project, current_user, wiki_params) .execute return saved(:created) if @page.persisted? render action: "edit" rescue Gitlab::Git::Wiki::OperationError => e @page = project_wiki.build_page(wiki_params) @error = e render 'edit' end def history if @page @page_versions = Kaminari.paginate_array(@page.versions(page: params[:page].to_i), total_count: @page.count_versions) .page(params[:page]) else redirect_to( project_wiki_path(@project, :home), notice: _("Page not found") ) end end def destroy WikiPages::DestroyService.new(@project, current_user).execute(@page) redirect_to project_wiki_path(@project, :home), status: 302, notice: _("Page was successfully deleted") rescue Gitlab::Git::Wiki::OperationError => e @error = e render 'edit' end private # Callback for PreviewMarkdown def preview_markdown_params { pipeline: :wiki, project_wiki: project_wiki, page_slug: params[:id] } end def show_page set_encoding_error unless valid_encoding? @page_dir = @project_wiki.find_dir(@page.directory) if @page.directory.present? @show_children = true render 'show' end def show_blob send_blob(@project_wiki.repository, file_blob) end def should_create_missing_page? view_param = @project_wiki.exists? ? 'create' : params[:view] view_param == 'create' && can?(current_user, :create_wiki, @project) end def create_missing_page # Assign a title to the WikiPage unless `id` is a randomly generated slug from #new title = params[:id] unless params[:random_title].present? @page = project_wiki.build_page(title: title) render 'edit' end def wiki_params params.require(:wiki_page).permit(:title, :content, :format, :message, :last_commit_sha) end def load_page @page ||= @project_wiki.find_page(*page_params) end def page_params keys = [:id] keys << :version_id if params[:action] == 'show' params.values_at(*keys) end def valid_encoding? strong_memoize(:valid_encoding) do @page.content.encoding == Encoding::UTF_8 end end def set_encoding_error flash.now[:notice] = _("The content of this page is not encoded in UTF-8. Edits can only be made via the Git repository.") end def file_blob strong_memoize(:file_blob) do commit = @project_wiki.repository.commit(@project_wiki.default_branch) next unless commit @project_wiki.repository.blob_at(commit.id, params[:id]) end end def saved(action) msg = case action when :updated _('Wiki was successfully updated') when :created _('Wiki was successfully created') end redirect_to(project_wiki_path(@project, @page), notice: msg) end end