class ProjectsController < Projects::ApplicationController include ExtractsPath before_action :authenticate_user!, except: [:show, :activity, :refs] before_action :project, except: [:new, :create] before_action :repository, except: [:new, :create] before_action :assign_ref_vars, only: [:show], if: :repo_exists? before_action :tree, only: [:show], if: [:repo_exists?, :project_view_files?] # Authorize before_action :authorize_admin_project!, only: [:edit, :update, :housekeeping, :download_export, :export, :remove_export, :generate_new_export] before_action :event_filter, only: [:show, :activity] layout :determine_layout def index redirect_to(current_user ? root_path : explore_root_path) end def new @project = end def edit render 'edit' end def create @project =, project_params).execute if @project.saved? redirect_to( project_path(@project), notice: "Project '#{}' was successfully created." ) else render 'new' end end def update status =, current_user, project_params).execute # Refresh the repo in case anything changed @repository = project.repository respond_to do |format| if status flash[:notice] = "Project '#{}' was successfully updated." format.html do redirect_to( edit_project_path(@project), notice: "Project '#{}' was successfully updated." ) end else format.html { render 'edit' } end format.js end end def transfer return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :change_namespace, @project) namespace = Namespace.find_by(id: params[:new_namespace_id]), current_user).execute(namespace) if @project.errors[:new_namespace].present? flash[:alert] = @project.errors[:new_namespace].first end end def remove_fork return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :remove_fork_project, @project) if, current_user).execute flash[:notice] = 'The fork relationship has been removed.' end end def activity respond_to do |format| format.html format.json do load_events pager_json('events/_events', @events.count) end end end def show if @project.import_in_progress? redirect_to namespace_project_import_path(@project.namespace, @project) return end if @project.pending_delete? flash[:alert] = "Project #{} queued for deletion." end respond_to do |format| format.html do @notification_setting = current_user.notification_settings_for(@project) if current_user if @project.repository_exists? if @project.empty_repo? render 'projects/empty' else render :show end else render 'projects/no_repo' end end format.atom do load_events render layout: false end end end def destroy return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :remove_project, @project), current_user, {}).async_execute flash[:alert] = "Project '#{}' will be deleted." redirect_to dashboard_projects_path rescue Projects::DestroyService::DestroyError => ex redirect_to edit_project_path(@project), alert: ex.message end def autocomplete_sources noteable = case params[:type] when 'Issue', project_id: execute.find_by(iid: params[:type_id]) when 'MergeRequest', project_id: execute.find_by(iid: params[:type_id]) when 'Commit' @project.commit(params[:type_id]) else nil end autocomplete =, current_user) participants =, current_user).execute(noteable) @suggestions = { emojis: Gitlab::AwardEmoji.urls, issues: autocomplete.issues, milestones: autocomplete.milestones, mergerequests: autocomplete.merge_requests, labels: autocomplete.labels, members: participants, commands: autocomplete.commands(noteable, params[:type]) } respond_to do |format| format.json { render json: @suggestions } end end def archive return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :archive_project, @project) @project.archive! respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to project_path(@project) } end end def unarchive return access_denied! unless can?(current_user, :archive_project, @project) @project.unarchive! respond_to do |format| format.html { redirect_to project_path(@project) } end end def housekeeping redirect_to( project_path(@project), notice: "Housekeeping successfully started" ) rescue ::Projects::HousekeepingService::LeaseTaken => ex redirect_to( edit_project_path(@project), alert: ex.to_s ) end def export @project.add_export_job(current_user: current_user) redirect_to( edit_project_path(@project), notice: "Project export started. A download link will be sent by email." ) end def download_export export_project_path = @project.export_project_path if export_project_path send_file export_project_path, disposition: 'attachment' else redirect_to( edit_project_path(@project), alert: "Project export link has expired. Please generate a new export from your project settings." ) end end def remove_export if @project.remove_exports flash[:notice] = "Project export has been deleted." else flash[:alert] = "Project export could not be deleted." end redirect_to(edit_project_path(@project)) end def generate_new_export if @project.remove_exports export else redirect_to( edit_project_path(@project), alert: "Project export could not be deleted." ) end end def toggle_star current_user.toggle_star(@project) @project.reload render json: { star_count: @project.star_count } end def preview_markdown text = params[:text] ext =, current_user) ext.analyze(text, author: current_user) render json: { body: view_context.markdown(text), references: { users: } } end def refs options = { 'Branches' => @repository.branch_names, } unless options['Tags'] = VersionSorter.rsort(@repository.tag_names) end # If reference is commit id - we should add it to branch/tag selectbox ref = Addressable::URI.unescape(params[:ref]) if ref && options.flatten(2).exclude?(ref) && ref =~ /\A[0-9a-zA-Z]{6,52}\z/ options['Commits'] = [ref] end render json: options.to_json end private def determine_layout if [:new, :create].include?(action_name.to_sym) 'application' elsif [:edit, :update].include?(action_name.to_sym) 'project_settings' else 'project' end end def load_events @events = @events = event_filter.apply_filter(@events).with_associations limit = (params[:limit] || 20).to_i @events = @events.limit(limit).offset(params[:offset] || 0) end def project_params project_feature_attributes = { project_feature_attributes: [ :issues_access_level, :builds_access_level, :wiki_access_level, :merge_requests_access_level, :snippets_access_level ] } params.require(:project).permit( :name, :path, :description, :issues_tracker, :tag_list, :runners_token, :container_registry_enabled, :issues_tracker_id, :default_branch, :visibility_level, :import_url, :last_activity_at, :namespace_id, :avatar, :build_allow_git_fetch, :build_timeout_in_minutes, :build_coverage_regex, :public_builds, :only_allow_merge_if_build_succeeds, :request_access_enabled, :lfs_enabled, project_feature_attributes ) end def repo_exists? project.repository_exists? && !project.empty_repo? end def project_view_files? current_user && current_user.project_view == 'files' end # Override extract_ref from ExtractsPath, which returns the branch and file path # for the blob/tree, which in this case is just the root of the default branch. # This way we avoid to access the repository.ref_names. def extract_ref(_id) [get_id, ''] end # Override get_id from ExtractsPath in this case is just the root of the default branch. def get_id project.repository.root_ref end end