class AutocompleteUsersFinder # The number of users to display in the results is hardcoded to 20, and # pagination is not supported. This ensures that performance remains # consistent and removes the need for implementing keyset pagination to ensure # good performance. LIMIT = 20 attr_reader :current_user, :project, :group, :search, :skip_users, :author_id, :params def initialize(params:, current_user:, project:, group:) @current_user = current_user @project = project @group = group @search = params[:search] @skip_users = params[:skip_users] @author_id = params[:author_id] @params = params end def execute items = find_users items = items = items.reorder(:name) items = if search.present? items = items.where.not(id: skip_users) if skip_users.present? items = items.limit(LIMIT) if params[:todo_filter].present? && current_user items = items.todo_authors(, params[:todo_state_filter]) end if search.blank? # Include current user if available to filter by "Me" if params[:current_user].present? && current_user items = [current_user, *items].uniq end if author_id.present? && current_user author = User.find_by_id(author_id) items = [author, *items].uniq if author end end items end private def find_users return users_from_project if project return group.users_with_parents if group return User.all if current_user User.none end def users_from_project if author_id.present? union = Gitlab::SQL::Union .new([project.authorized_users, User.where(id: author_id)]) User.from("(#{union.to_sql}) #{User.table_name}") else project.authorized_users end end end