# frozen_string_literal: true class NotesFinder FETCH_OVERLAP = 5.seconds # Used to filter Notes # When used with target_type and target_id this returns notes specifically for the controller # # Arguments: # current_user - which user check authorizations with # project - which project to look for notes on # params: # target_type: string # target_id: integer # last_fetched_at: time # search: string # def initialize(project, current_user, params = {}) @project = project @current_user = current_user @params = params end def execute notes = init_collection notes = since_fetch_at(notes) notes = notes.with_notes_filter(@params[:notes_filter]) if notes_filter? notes.fresh end def target return @target if defined?(@target) target_type = @params[:target_type] target_id = @params[:target_id] target_iid = @params[:target_iid] return @target = nil unless target_type return @target = nil unless target_id || target_iid @target = if target_type == "commit" if Ability.allowed?(@current_user, :download_code, @project) @project.commit(target_id) end else noteables_for_type_by_id(target_type, target_id, target_iid) end end private def noteables_for_type_by_id(type, id, iid) query = if id { id: id } else { iid: iid } end noteables_for_type(type).find_by!(query) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord end def init_collection if target notes_on_target elsif target_type notes_of_target_type else notes_of_any_type end end def notes_of_target_type notes = notes_for_type(target_type) search(notes) end def target_type @params[:target_type] end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def notes_of_any_type types = %w(commit issue merge_request snippet) note_relations = types.map { |t| notes_for_type(t) } note_relations.map! { |notes| search(notes) } UnionFinder.new.find_union(note_relations, Note.includes(:author)) # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/Finder end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def noteables_for_type(noteable_type) case noteable_type when "issue" IssuesFinder.new(@current_user, project_id: @project.id).execute # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/Finder when "merge_request" MergeRequestsFinder.new(@current_user, project_id: @project.id).execute # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/Finder when "snippet", "project_snippet" SnippetsFinder.new(@current_user, project: @project).execute # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/Finder when "personal_snippet" PersonalSnippet.all else raise "invalid target_type '#{noteable_type}'" end end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def notes_for_type(noteable_type) if noteable_type == "commit" if Ability.allowed?(@current_user, :download_code, @project) @project.notes.where(noteable_type: 'Commit') else Note.none end else finder = noteables_for_type(noteable_type) @project.notes.where(noteable_type: finder.base_class.name, noteable_id: finder.reorder(nil)) end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def notes_on_target if target.respond_to?(:related_notes) target.related_notes else target.notes end end # Searches for notes matching the given query. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL and LIKE on MySQL. # def search(notes) query = @params[:search] return notes unless query notes.search(query) end # Notes changed since last fetch # Uses overlapping intervals to avoid worrying about race conditions def since_fetch_at(notes) return notes unless @params[:last_fetched_at] # Default to 0 to remain compatible with old clients last_fetched_at = Time.at(@params.fetch(:last_fetched_at, 0).to_i) notes.updated_after(last_fetched_at - FETCH_OVERLAP) end def notes_filter? @params[:notes_filter].present? end end