# frozen_string_literal: true # Finder for retrieving the pending todos of a user, optionally filtered using # various fields. # # While this finder is a bit more verbose compared to use # `where(params.slice(...))`, it allows us to decouple the input parameters from # the actual column names. For example, if we ever decide to use separate # columns for target types (e.g. `issue_id`, `merge_request_id`, etc), we no # longer need to change _everything_ that uses this finder. Instead, we just # change the various `by_*` methods in this finder, without having to touch # everything that uses it. class PendingTodosFinder attr_reader :current_user, :params # current_user - The user to retrieve the todos for. # params - A Hash containing columns and values to use for filtering todos. def initialize(current_user, params = {}) @current_user = current_user @params = params end def execute todos = current_user.todos.pending todos = by_project(todos) todos = by_target_id(todos) todos = by_target_type(todos) todos = by_commit_id(todos) todos end def by_project(todos) if (id = params[:project_id]) todos.for_project(id) else todos end end def by_target_id(todos) if (id = params[:target_id]) todos.for_target(id) else todos end end def by_target_type(todos) if (type = params[:target_type]) todos.for_type(type) else todos end end def by_commit_id(todos) if (id = params[:commit_id]) todos.for_commit(id) else todos end end end