# frozen_string_literal: true module Mutations module ReleaseAssetLinks class Create < BaseMutation include FindsProject graphql_name 'ReleaseAssetLinkCreate' authorize :create_release include Types::ReleaseAssetLinkSharedInputArguments argument :project_path, GraphQL::ID_TYPE, required: true, description: 'Full path of the project the asset link is associated with.' argument :tag_name, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, required: true, as: :tag, description: "Name of the associated release's tag." field :link, Types::ReleaseAssetLinkType, null: true, description: 'The asset link after mutation.' def resolve(project_path:, tag:, **link_attrs) project = authorized_find!(project_path) release = project.releases.find_by_tag(tag) if release.nil? message = _('Release with tag "%{tag}" was not found') % { tag: tag } return { link: nil, errors: [message] } end new_link = release.links.create(link_attrs) unless new_link.persisted? return { link: nil, errors: new_link.errors.full_messages } end { link: new_link, errors: [] } end end end end