# frozen_string_literal: true module TreeHelper FILE_LIMIT = 1_000 # Sorts a repository's tree so that folders are before files and renders # their corresponding partials # # tree - A `Tree` object for the current tree # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def render_tree(tree) # Sort submodules and folders together by name ahead of files folders, files, submodules = tree.trees, tree.blobs, tree.submodules tree = [] items = (folders + submodules).sort_by(&:name) + files if items.size > FILE_LIMIT tree << render(partial: 'projects/tree/truncated_notice_tree_row', locals: { limit: FILE_LIMIT, total: items.size }) items = items.take(FILE_LIMIT) end tree << render(partial: 'projects/tree/tree_row', collection: items) if items.present? tree.join.html_safe end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord # Return an image icon depending on the file type and mode # # type - String type of the tree item; either 'folder' or 'file' # mode - File unix mode # name - File name def tree_icon(type, mode, name) icon([file_type_icon_class(type, mode, name), 'fw']) end # Using Rails `*_path` methods can be slow, especially when generating # many paths, as with a repository tree that has thousands of items. def fast_project_blob_path(project, blob_path) ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils.escape_path( File.join(relative_url_root, project.path_with_namespace, 'blob', blob_path) ) end def fast_project_tree_path(project, tree_path) ActionDispatch::Journey::Router::Utils.escape_path( File.join(relative_url_root, project.path_with_namespace, 'tree', tree_path) ) end # Simple shortcut to File.join def tree_join(*args) File.join(*args) end def on_top_of_branch?(project = @project, ref = @ref) project.repository.branch_exists?(ref) end def can_edit_tree?(project = nil, ref = nil) project ||= @project ref ||= @ref return false unless on_top_of_branch?(project, ref) can_collaborate_with_project?(project, ref: ref) end def tree_edit_branch(project = @project, ref = @ref) return unless can_edit_tree?(project, ref) if user_access(project).can_push_to_branch?(ref) ref else project = tree_edit_project(project) project.repository.next_branch('patch') end end def tree_edit_project(project = @project) if can?(current_user, :push_code, project) project elsif current_user && current_user.already_forked?(project) current_user.fork_of(project) end end def edit_in_new_fork_notice_now _("You're not allowed to make changes to this project directly. "\ "A fork of this project is being created that you can make changes in, so you can submit a merge request.") end def edit_in_new_fork_notice _("You're not allowed to make changes to this project directly. "\ "A fork of this project has been created that you can make changes in, so you can submit a merge request.") end def edit_in_new_fork_notice_action(action) edit_in_new_fork_notice + _(" Try to %{action} this file again.") % { action: action } end def commit_in_fork_help _("A new branch will be created in your fork and a new merge request will be started.") end def commit_in_single_accessible_branch branch_name = ERB::Util.html_escape(selected_branch) message = _("Your changes can be committed to %{branch_name} because a merge "\ "request is open.") % { branch_name: "#{branch_name}" } message.html_safe end def path_breadcrumbs(max_links = 6) if @path.present? part_path = "" parts = @path.split('/') yield('..', File.join(*parts.first(parts.count - 2))) if parts.count > max_links parts.each do |part| part_path = File.join(part_path, part) unless part_path.empty? part_path = part if part_path.empty? next if parts.count > max_links && !parts.last(2).include?(part) yield(part, part_path) end end end def up_dir_path file = File.join(@path, "..") tree_join(@ref, file) end # returns the relative path of the first subdir that doesn't have only one directory descendant def flatten_tree(root_path, tree) tree.flat_path.sub(%r{\A#{Regexp.escape(root_path)}/}, '') end def selected_branch @branch_name || tree_edit_branch end def relative_url_root Gitlab.config.gitlab.relative_url_root.presence || '/' end # project and path are used on the EE version def tree_content_data(logs_path, project, path) { "logs-path" => logs_path } end def breadcrumb_data_attributes attrs = { can_collaborate: can_collaborate_with_project?(@project).to_s, new_blob_path: project_new_blob_path(@project, @id), new_branch_path: new_project_branch_path(@project), new_tag_path: new_project_tag_path(@project), can_edit_tree: can_edit_tree?.to_s } if can?(current_user, :fork_project, @project) && can?(current_user, :create_merge_request_in, @project) continue_param = { to: project_new_blob_path(@project, @id), notice: edit_in_new_fork_notice, notice_now: edit_in_new_fork_notice_now } attrs.merge!( fork_new_blob_path: project_forks_path(@project, namespace_key: current_user.namespace.id, continue: continue_param), fork_new_directory_path: project_forks_path(@project, namespace_key: current_user.namespace.id, continue: continue_param.merge({ to: request.fullpath, notice: _("%{edit_in_new_fork_notice} Try to create a new directory again.") % { edit_in_new_fork_notice: edit_in_new_fork_notice } })), fork_upload_blob_path: project_forks_path(@project, namespace_key: current_user.namespace.id, continue: continue_param.merge({ to: request.fullpath, notice: _("%{edit_in_new_fork_notice} Try to upload a file again.") % { edit_in_new_fork_notice: edit_in_new_fork_notice } })) ) end attrs end def vue_file_list_data(project, ref) { project_path: project.full_path, project_short_path: project.path, ref: ref, full_name: project.name_with_namespace } end def directory_download_links(project, ref, archive_prefix) Gitlab::Workhorse::ARCHIVE_FORMATS.map do |fmt| { text: fmt, path: project_archive_path(project, id: tree_join(ref, archive_prefix), format: fmt) } end end end TreeHelper.prepend_if_ee('::EE::TreeHelper')