module WikiHelper # Produces a pure text breadcrumb for a given page. # # page_slug - The slug of a WikiPage object. # # Returns a String composed of the capitalized name of each directory and the # capitalized name of the page itself. def breadcrumb(page_slug) page_slug.split('/') .map { |dir_or_page| WikiPage.unhyphenize(dir_or_page).capitalize } .join(' / ') end def wiki_breadcrumb_dropdown_links(page_slug) page_slug_split = page_slug.split('/') page_slug_split.pop(1) current_slug = "" page_slug_split .map do |dir_or_page| current_slug = "#{current_slug}#{dir_or_page}/" add_to_breadcrumb_dropdown link_to(WikiPage.unhyphenize(dir_or_page).capitalize, project_wiki_path(@project, current_slug)), location: :after end end end