# frozen_string_literal: true class ActiveSession include ActiveModel::Model SESSION_BATCH_SIZE = 200 ALLOWED_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_SESSIONS = 100 attr_accessor :created_at, :updated_at, :ip_address, :browser, :os, :device_name, :device_type, :is_impersonated, :session_id def current?(session) return false if session_id.nil? || session.id.nil? # Rack v2.0.8+ added private_id, which uses the hash of the # public_id to avoid timing attacks. session_id.private_id == session.id.private_id end def human_device_type device_type&.titleize end # This is not the same as Rack::Session::SessionId#public_id, but we # need to preserve this for backwards compatibility. def public_id Gitlab::CryptoHelper.aes256_gcm_encrypt(session_id.public_id) end def self.set(user, request) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| session_id = request.session.id.public_id client = DeviceDetector.new(request.user_agent) timestamp = Time.current active_user_session = new( ip_address: request.ip, browser: client.name, os: client.os_name, device_name: client.device_name, device_type: client.device_type, created_at: user.current_sign_in_at || timestamp, updated_at: timestamp, session_id: session_id, is_impersonated: request.session[:impersonator_id].present? ) redis.pipelined do redis.setex( key_name(user.id, session_id), Settings.gitlab['session_expire_delay'] * 60, Marshal.dump(active_user_session) ) redis.sadd( lookup_key_name(user.id), session_id ) end end end def self.list(user) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| cleaned_up_lookup_entries(redis, user).map do |raw_session| load_raw_session(raw_session) end end end def self.destroy(user, session_id) return unless session_id Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| destroy_sessions(redis, user, [session_id]) end end def self.destroy_with_public_id(user, public_id) decrypted_id = decrypt_public_id(public_id) return if decrypted_id.nil? session_id = Rack::Session::SessionId.new(decrypted_id) destroy(user, session_id) end def self.destroy_sessions(redis, user, session_ids) key_names = session_ids.map { |session_id| key_name(user.id, session_id.public_id) } redis.srem(lookup_key_name(user.id), session_ids.map(&:public_id)) redis.del(key_names) redis.del(rack_session_keys(session_ids)) end def self.cleanup(user) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| clean_up_old_sessions(redis, user) cleaned_up_lookup_entries(redis, user) end end def self.key_name(user_id, session_id = '*') "#{Gitlab::Redis::SharedState::USER_SESSIONS_NAMESPACE}:#{user_id}:#{session_id}" end def self.lookup_key_name(user_id) "#{Gitlab::Redis::SharedState::USER_SESSIONS_LOOKUP_NAMESPACE}:#{user_id}" end def self.list_sessions(user) sessions_from_ids(session_ids_for_user(user.id)) end # Lists the relevant session IDs for the user. # # Returns an array of Rack::Session::SessionId objects def self.session_ids_for_user(user_id) Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| session_ids = redis.smembers(lookup_key_name(user_id)) session_ids.map { |id| Rack::Session::SessionId.new(id) } end end # Lists the session Hash objects for the given session IDs. # # session_ids - An array of Rack::Session::SessionId objects # # Returns an array of ActiveSession objects def self.sessions_from_ids(session_ids) return [] if session_ids.empty? Gitlab::Redis::SharedState.with do |redis| session_keys = rack_session_keys(session_ids) session_keys.each_slice(SESSION_BATCH_SIZE).flat_map do |session_keys_batch| redis.mget(session_keys_batch).compact.map do |raw_session| load_raw_session(raw_session) end end end end # Deserializes a session Hash object from Redis. # # raw_session - Raw bytes from Redis # # Returns an ActiveSession object def self.load_raw_session(raw_session) # rubocop:disable Security/MarshalLoad session = Marshal.load(raw_session) # rubocop:enable Security/MarshalLoad # Older ActiveSession models serialize `session_id` as strings, To # avoid breaking older sessions, we keep backwards compatibility # with older Redis keys and initiate Rack::Session::SessionId here. session.session_id = Rack::Session::SessionId.new(session.session_id) if session.try(:session_id).is_a?(String) session end def self.rack_session_keys(session_ids) session_ids.each_with_object([]) do |session_id, arr| # This is a redis-rack implementation detail # (https://github.com/redis-store/redis-rack/blob/master/lib/rack/session/redis.rb#L88) # # We need to delete session keys based on the legacy public key name # and the newer private ID keys, but there's no well-defined interface # so we have to do it directly. arr << "#{Gitlab::Redis::SharedState::SESSION_NAMESPACE}:#{session_id.public_id}" arr << "#{Gitlab::Redis::SharedState::SESSION_NAMESPACE}:#{session_id.private_id}" end end def self.raw_active_session_entries(redis, session_ids, user_id) return [] if session_ids.empty? entry_keys = session_ids.map { |session_id| key_name(user_id, session_id) } redis.mget(entry_keys) end def self.active_session_entries(session_ids, user_id, redis) return [] if session_ids.empty? entry_keys = raw_active_session_entries(redis, session_ids, user_id) entry_keys.compact.map do |raw_session| load_raw_session(raw_session) end end def self.clean_up_old_sessions(redis, user) session_ids = session_ids_for_user(user.id) return if session_ids.count <= ALLOWED_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_SESSIONS # remove sessions if there are more than ALLOWED_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_SESSIONS. sessions = active_session_entries(session_ids, user.id, redis) sessions.sort_by! {|session| session.updated_at }.reverse! destroyable_sessions = sessions.drop(ALLOWED_NUMBER_OF_ACTIVE_SESSIONS) destroyable_session_ids = destroyable_sessions.map { |session| session.session_id } destroy_sessions(redis, user, destroyable_session_ids) if destroyable_session_ids.any? end # Cleans up the lookup set by removing any session IDs that are no longer present. # # Returns an array of marshalled ActiveModel objects that are still active. def self.cleaned_up_lookup_entries(redis, user) session_ids = session_ids_for_user(user.id) entries = raw_active_session_entries(redis, session_ids, user.id) # remove expired keys. # only the single key entries are automatically expired by redis, the # lookup entries in the set need to be removed manually. session_ids_and_entries = session_ids.zip(entries) redis.pipelined do session_ids_and_entries.reject { |_session_id, entry| entry }.each do |session_id, _entry| redis.srem(lookup_key_name(user.id), session_id) end end entries.compact end private_class_method def self.decrypt_public_id(public_id) Gitlab::CryptoHelper.aes256_gcm_decrypt(public_id) rescue nil end end