# frozen_string_literal: true # == Sanitizable concern # # This concern adds HTML sanitization and validation to models. The intention is # to help prevent XSS attacks in the event of a by-pass in the frontend # sanitizer due to a configuration issue or a vulnerability in the sanitizer. # This approach is commonly referred to as defense-in-depth. # # Example: # # module Dast # class Profile < ApplicationRecord # include Sanitizable # # sanitizes! :name, :description module Sanitizable extend ActiveSupport::Concern class_methods do def sanitize(input) return unless input # We return the input unchanged to avoid escaping pre-escaped HTML fragments. # Please see gitlab-org/gitlab#293634 for an example. return input unless input == CGI.unescapeHTML(input.to_s) CGI.unescapeHTML(Sanitize.fragment(input)) end def sanitizes!(*attrs) instance_eval do before_validation do attrs.each do |attr| input = public_send(attr) # rubocop: disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend public_send("#{attr}=", self.class.sanitize(input)) # rubocop: disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end validates_each(*attrs) do |record, attr, input| # We reject pre-escaped HTML fragments as invalid to avoid saving them # to the database. unless input.to_s == CGI.unescapeHTML(input.to_s) record.errors.add(attr, 'cannot contain escaped HTML entities') end end end end end end