class Event < ActiveRecord::Base include Sortable default_scope { reorder(nil).where.not(author_id: nil) } CREATED = 1 UPDATED = 2 CLOSED = 3 REOPENED = 4 PUSHED = 5 COMMENTED = 6 MERGED = 7 JOINED = 8 # User joined project LEFT = 9 # User left project DESTROYED = 10 EXPIRED = 11 # User left project due to expiry ACTIONS = created: CREATED, updated: UPDATED, closed: CLOSED, reopened: REOPENED, pushed: PUSHED, commented: COMMENTED, merged: MERGED, joined: JOINED, left: LEFT, destroyed: DESTROYED, expired: EXPIRED ).freeze TARGET_TYPES = issue: Issue, milestone: Milestone, merge_request: MergeRequest, note: Note, project: Project, snippet: Snippet, user: User ).freeze RESET_PROJECT_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL = 1.hour delegate :name, :email, :public_email, :username, to: :author, prefix: true, allow_nil: true delegate :title, to: :issue, prefix: true, allow_nil: true delegate :title, to: :merge_request, prefix: true, allow_nil: true delegate :title, to: :note, prefix: true, allow_nil: true belongs_to :author, class_name: "User" belongs_to :project belongs_to :target, polymorphic: true # rubocop:disable Cop/PolymorphicAssociations has_one :push_event_payload, foreign_key: :event_id # For Hash only serialize :data # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordSerialize # Callbacks after_create :reset_project_activity after_create :set_last_repository_updated_at, if: :push? after_create :replicate_event_for_push_events_migration # Scopes scope :recent, -> { reorder(id: :desc) } scope :code_push, -> { where(action: PUSHED) } scope :in_projects, -> (projects) do sub_query = projects .except(:order) .select(1) .where(' = events.project_id') where('EXISTS (?)', sub_query).recent end scope :with_associations, -> do # We're using preload for "push_event_payload" as otherwise the association # is not always available (depending on the query being built). includes(:author, :project, project: :namespace) .preload(:target, :push_event_payload) end scope :for_milestone_id, ->(milestone_id) { where(target_type: "Milestone", target_id: milestone_id) } self.inheritance_column = 'action' class << self def find_sti_class(action) if action.to_i == PUSHED PushEvent else Event end end def subclass_from_attributes(attrs) # Without this Rails will keep calling this method on the returned class, # resulting in an infinite loop. return unless self == Event action = attrs.with_indifferent_access[inheritance_column].to_i PushEvent if action == PUSHED end # Update Gitlab::ContributionsCalendar#activity_dates if this changes def contributions where("action = ? OR (target_type IN (?) AND action IN (?)) OR (target_type = ? AND action = ?)", Event::PUSHED, %w(MergeRequest Issue), [Event::CREATED, Event::CLOSED, Event::MERGED], "Note", Event::COMMENTED) end def limit_recent(limit = 20, offset = nil) recent.limit(limit).offset(offset) end def actions ACTIONS.keys end def target_types TARGET_TYPES.keys end end def visible_to_user?(user = nil) if push? || commit_note? Ability.allowed?(user, :download_code, project) elsif membership_changed? true elsif created_project? true elsif issue? || issue_note? Ability.allowed?(user, :read_issue, note? ? note_target : target) elsif merge_request? || merge_request_note? Ability.allowed?(user, :read_merge_request, note? ? note_target : target) else milestone? end end def project_name if project project.name_with_namespace else "(deleted project)" end end def target_title target.try(:title) end def created? action == CREATED end def push? action == PUSHED && valid_push? end def merged? action == MERGED end def closed? action == CLOSED end def reopened? action == REOPENED end def joined? action == JOINED end def left? action == LEFT end def expired? action == EXPIRED end def destroyed? action == DESTROYED end def commented? action == COMMENTED end def membership_changed? joined? || left? || expired? end def created_project? created? && !target && target_type.nil? end def created_target? created? && target end def milestone? target_type == "Milestone" end def note? target.is_a?(Note) end def issue? target_type == "Issue" end def merge_request? target_type == "MergeRequest" end def milestone target if milestone? end def issue target if issue? end def merge_request target if merge_request? end def note target if note? end def action_name if push? if new_ref? "pushed new" elsif rm_ref? "deleted" else "pushed to" end elsif closed? "closed" elsif merged? "accepted" elsif joined? 'joined' elsif left? 'left' elsif expired? 'removed due to membership expiration from' elsif destroyed? 'destroyed' elsif commented? "commented on" elsif created_project? if project.external_import? "imported" else "created" end else "opened" end end def valid_push? data[:ref] && ref_name.present? rescue false end def tag? Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(data[:ref]) end def branch? Gitlab::Git.branch_ref?(data[:ref]) end def new_ref? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(commit_from) end def rm_ref? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(commit_to) end def md_ref? !(rm_ref? || new_ref?) end def commit_from data[:before] end def commit_to data[:after] end def ref_name if tag? tag_name else branch_name end end def branch_name @branch_name ||= Gitlab::Git.ref_name(data[:ref]) end def tag_name @tag_name ||= Gitlab::Git.ref_name(data[:ref]) end # Max 20 commits from push DESC def commits @commits ||= (data[:commits] || []).reverse end def commit_title commit = commits.last commit[:message] if commit end def commit_id commit_to || commit_from end def commits_count data[:total_commits_count] || commits.count || 0 end def ref_type tag? ? "tag" : "branch" end def push_with_commits? !commits.empty? && commit_from && commit_to end def last_push_to_non_root? branch? && project.default_branch != branch_name end def target_iid target.respond_to?(:iid) ? target.iid : target_id end def commit_note? note? && target && target.for_commit? end def issue_note? note? && target && target.for_issue? end def merge_request_note? note? && target && target.for_merge_request? end def project_snippet_note? note? && target && target.for_snippet? end def note_target target.noteable end def note_target_id if commit_note? target.commit_id else target.noteable_id.to_s end end def note_target_reference return unless note_target # Commit#to_reference returns the full SHA, but we want the short one here if commit_note? note_target.short_id else note_target.to_reference end end def note_target_type if target.noteable_type.present? target.noteable_type.titleize else "Wall" end.downcase end def body? if push? push_with_commits? || rm_ref? elsif note? true else target.respond_to? :title end end def reset_project_activity return unless project # Don't bother updating if we know the project was updated recently. return if recent_update? # At this point it's possible for multiple threads/processes to try to # update the project. Only one query should actually perform the update, # hence we add the extra WHERE clause for last_activity_at. Project.unscoped.where(id: project_id) .where('last_activity_at <= ?', RESET_PROJECT_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL.ago) .update_all(last_activity_at: created_at) end def authored_by?(user) user ? author_id == : false end # We're manually replicating data into the new table since database triggers # are not dumped to db/schema.rb. This could mean that a new installation # would not have the triggers in place, thus losing events data in GitLab # 10.0. def replicate_event_for_push_events_migration new_attributes = attributes.with_indifferent_access.except(:title, :data) EventForMigration.create!(new_attributes) end private def recent_update? project.last_activity_at > RESET_PROJECT_ACTIVITY_INTERVAL.ago end def set_last_repository_updated_at Project.unscoped.where(id: project_id) .update_all(last_repository_updated_at: created_at) end end