# frozen_string_literal: true class Milestone < ApplicationRecord # Represents a "No Milestone" state used for filtering Issues and Merge # Requests that have no milestone assigned. MilestoneStruct = Struct.new(:title, :name, :id) None = MilestoneStruct.new('No Milestone', 'No Milestone', 0) Any = MilestoneStruct.new('Any Milestone', '', -1) Upcoming = MilestoneStruct.new('Upcoming', '#upcoming', -2) Started = MilestoneStruct.new('Started', '#started', -3) include CacheMarkdownField include AtomicInternalId include IidRoutes include Sortable include Referable include StripAttribute include Milestoneish include FromUnion include Importable include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern prepend_if_ee('::EE::Milestone') # rubocop: disable Cop/InjectEnterpriseEditionModule cache_markdown_field :title, pipeline: :single_line cache_markdown_field :description belongs_to :project belongs_to :group has_many :milestone_releases has_many :releases, through: :milestone_releases has_internal_id :iid, scope: :project, track_if: -> { !importing? }, init: ->(s) { s&.project&.milestones&.maximum(:iid) } has_internal_id :iid, scope: :group, track_if: -> { !importing? }, init: ->(s) { s&.group&.milestones&.maximum(:iid) } has_many :issues has_many :labels, -> { distinct.reorder('labels.title') }, through: :issues has_many :merge_requests has_many :events, as: :target, dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :issue_milestones has_many :merge_request_milestones scope :of_projects, ->(ids) { where(project_id: ids) } scope :of_groups, ->(ids) { where(group_id: ids) } scope :active, -> { with_state(:active) } scope :closed, -> { with_state(:closed) } scope :for_projects, -> { where(group: nil).includes(:project) } scope :started, -> { active.where('milestones.start_date <= CURRENT_DATE') } scope :for_projects_and_groups, -> (projects, groups) do projects = projects.compact if projects.is_a? Array projects = [] if projects.nil? groups = groups.compact if groups.is_a? Array groups = [] if groups.nil? where(project_id: projects).or(where(group_id: groups)) end scope :order_by_name_asc, -> { order(Arel::Nodes::Ascending.new(arel_table[:title].lower)) } scope :reorder_by_due_date_asc, -> { reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('due_date', 'ASC')) } validates :group, presence: true, unless: :project validates :project, presence: true, unless: :group validates :title, presence: true validate :uniqueness_of_title, if: :title_changed? validate :milestone_type_check validate :start_date_should_be_less_than_due_date, if: proc { |m| m.start_date.present? && m.due_date.present? } validate :dates_within_4_digits validates_associated :milestone_releases, message: -> (_, obj) { obj[:value].map(&:errors).map(&:full_messages).join(",") } strip_attributes :title state_machine :state, initial: :active do event :close do transition active: :closed end event :activate do transition closed: :active end state :closed state :active end alias_attribute :name, :title class << self # Searches for milestones with a matching title or description. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL and LIKE on MySQL. # # query - The search query as a String # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def search(query) fuzzy_search(query, [:title, :description]) end # Searches for milestones with a matching title. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL and LIKE on MySQL. # # query - The search query as a String # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def search_title(query) fuzzy_search(query, [:title]) end def filter_by_state(milestones, state) case state when 'closed' then milestones.closed when 'all' then milestones else milestones.active end end def count_by_state reorder(nil).group(:state).count end def predefined?(milestone) milestone == Any || milestone == None || milestone == Upcoming || milestone == Started end end def self.reference_prefix '%' end def self.reference_pattern # NOTE: The iid pattern only matches when all characters on the expression # are digits, so it will match %2 but not %2.1 because that's probably a # milestone name and we want it to be matched as such. @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (#{Project.reference_pattern})? #{Regexp.escape(reference_prefix)} (?: (? \d+(?!\S\w)\b # Integer-based milestone iid, or ) | (? [^"\s]+\b | # String-based single-word milestone title, or "[^"]+" # String-based multi-word milestone surrounded in quotes ) ) }x end def self.link_reference_pattern @link_reference_pattern ||= super("milestones", /(?\d+)/) end def self.upcoming_ids(projects, groups) unscoped .for_projects_and_groups(projects, groups) .active.where('milestones.due_date > CURRENT_DATE') .order(:project_id, :group_id, :due_date).select('DISTINCT ON (project_id, group_id) id') end def participants User.joins(assigned_issues: :milestone).where("milestones.id = ?", id).distinct end def self.sort_by_attribute(method) sorted = case method.to_s when 'due_date_asc' reorder_by_due_date_asc when 'due_date_desc' reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('due_date', 'DESC')) when 'name_asc' reorder(Arel::Nodes::Ascending.new(arel_table[:title].lower)) when 'name_desc' reorder(Arel::Nodes::Descending.new(arel_table[:title].lower)) when 'start_date_asc' reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('start_date', 'ASC')) when 'start_date_desc' reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('start_date', 'DESC')) else order_by(method) end sorted.with_order_id_desc end def self.states_count(projects, groups = nil) return STATE_COUNT_HASH unless projects || groups counts = Milestone .for_projects_and_groups(projects, groups) .reorder(nil) .group(:state) .count { opened: counts['active'] || 0, closed: counts['closed'] || 0, all: counts.values.sum } end ## # Returns the String necessary to reference this Milestone in Markdown. Group # milestones only support name references, and do not support cross-project # references. # # format - Symbol format to use (default: :iid, optional: :name) # # Examples: # # Milestone.first.to_reference # => "%1" # Milestone.first.to_reference(format: :name) # => "%\"goal\"" # Milestone.first.to_reference(cross_namespace_project) # => "gitlab-org/gitlab-foss%1" # Milestone.first.to_reference(same_namespace_project) # => "gitlab-foss%1" # def to_reference(from = nil, format: :name, full: false) format_reference = milestone_format_reference(format) reference = "#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{format_reference}" if project "#{project.to_reference_base(from, full: full)}#{reference}" else reference end end def reference_link_text(from = nil) self.class.reference_prefix + self.title end def milestoneish_id id end def for_display self end def can_be_closed? active? && issues.opened.count.zero? end def author_id nil end def title=(value) write_attribute(:title, sanitize_title(value)) if value.present? end def safe_title title.to_slug.normalize.to_s end def resource_parent group || project end def to_ability_name model_name.singular end def group_milestone? group_id.present? end def project_milestone? project_id.present? end def merge_requests_enabled? if group_milestone? # Assume that groups have at least one project with merge requests enabled. # Otherwise, we would need to load all of the projects from the database. true elsif project_milestone? project&.merge_requests_enabled? end end private # Milestone titles must be unique across project milestones and group milestones def uniqueness_of_title if project relation = Milestone.for_projects_and_groups([project_id], [project.group&.id]) elsif group relation = Milestone.for_projects_and_groups(group.projects.select(:id), [group.id]) end title_exists = relation.find_by_title(title) errors.add(:title, _("already being used for another group or project milestone.")) if title_exists end # Milestone should be either a project milestone or a group milestone def milestone_type_check if group_id && project_id field = project_id_changed? ? :project_id : :group_id errors.add(field, _("milestone should belong either to a project or a group.")) end end def milestone_format_reference(format = :iid) raise ArgumentError, _('Unknown format') unless [:iid, :name].include?(format) if group_milestone? && format == :iid raise ArgumentError, _('Cannot refer to a group milestone by an internal id!') end if format == :name && !name.include?('"') %("#{name}") else iid end end def sanitize_title(value) CGI.unescape_html(Sanitize.clean(value.to_s)) end def start_date_should_be_less_than_due_date if due_date <= start_date errors.add(:due_date, _("must be greater than start date")) end end def dates_within_4_digits if start_date && start_date > Date.new(9999, 12, 31) errors.add(:start_date, _("date must not be after 9999-12-31")) end if due_date && due_date > Date.new(9999, 12, 31) errors.add(:due_date, _("date must not be after 9999-12-31")) end end def issues_finder_params { project_id: project_id, group_id: group_id, include_subgroups: group_id.present? }.compact end end