module ChatMessage class PushMessage < BaseMessage attr_reader :after attr_reader :before attr_reader :commits attr_reader :ref attr_reader :ref_type def initialize(params) super @after = params[:after] @before = params[:before] @commits = params.fetch(:commits, []) @ref_type = Gitlab::Git.tag_ref?(params[:ref]) ? 'tag' : 'branch' @ref = Gitlab::Git.ref_name(params[:ref]) end def attachments return [] if new_branch? || removed_branch? return commit_messages if markdown commit_message_attachments end def activity action = if new_branch? "created" elsif removed_branch? "removed" else "pushed to" end { title: "#{user_name} #{action} #{ref_type}", subtitle: "in #{project_link}", text: compare_link, image: user_avatar } end private def message if new_branch? new_branch_message elsif removed_branch? removed_branch_message else push_message end end def format(string) Slack::Notifier::LinkFormatter.format(string) end def new_branch_message "#{user_name} pushed new #{ref_type} #{branch_link} to #{project_link}" end def removed_branch_message "#{user_name} removed #{ref_type} `#{ref}` from #{project_link}" end def push_message "#{user_name} pushed to #{ref_type} #{branch_link} of #{project_link} (#{compare_link})" end def commit_messages { |commit| compose_commit_message(commit) }.join("\n\n") end def commit_message_attachments [{ text: format(commit_messages), color: attachment_color }] end def compose_commit_message(commit) author = commit[:author][:name] id = Commit.truncate_sha(commit[:id]) message = commit[:message] url = commit[:url] "[#{id}](#{url}): #{message} - #{author}" end def new_branch? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(before) end def removed_branch? Gitlab::Git.blank_ref?(after) end def branch_url "#{project_url}/commits/#{ref}" end def compare_url "#{project_url}/compare/#{before}...#{after}" end def branch_link "`[#{ref}](#{branch_url})`" end def project_link "[#{project_name}](#{project_url})" end def compare_link "[Compare changes](#{compare_url})" end def attachment_color '#345' end end end