class KubernetesService < DeploymentService # Namespace defaults to the project path, but can be overridden in case that # is an invalid or inappropriate name prop_accessor :namespace # Access to kubernetes is directly through the API prop_accessor :api_url # Bearer authentication # TODO: user/password auth, client certificates prop_accessor :token # Provide a custom CA bundle for self-signed deployments prop_accessor :ca_pem with_options presence: true, if: :activated? do validates :api_url, url: true validates :token validates :namespace, format: { with: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex, message: Gitlab::Regex.kubernetes_namespace_regex_message, }, length: 1..63 end def initialize_properties if properties.nil? = {} self.namespace = project.path if project.present? end end def title 'Kubernetes' end def description 'Kubernetes / Openshift integration' end def help '' end def to_param 'kubernetes' end def fields [ { type: 'text', name: 'namespace', title: 'Kubernetes namespace', placeholder: 'Kubernetes namespace', }, { type: 'text', name: 'api_url', title: 'API URL', placeholder: 'Kubernetes API URL, like', }, { type: 'text', name: 'token', title: 'Service token', placeholder: 'Service token', }, { type: 'textarea', name: 'ca_pem', title: 'Custom CA bundle', placeholder: 'Certificate Authority bundle (PEM format)', }, ] end # Check we can connect to the Kubernetes API def test(*args) kubeclient = build_kubeclient { success: kubeclient.discovered, result: "Checked API discovery endpoint" } rescue => err { success: false, result: err } end def predefined_variables variables = [ { key: 'KUBE_URL', value: api_url, public: true }, { key: 'KUBE_TOKEN', value: token, public: false }, { key: 'KUBE_NAMESPACE', value: namespace, public: true } ] variables << { key: 'KUBE_CA_PEM', value: ca_pem, public: true } if ca_pem.present? variables end private def build_kubeclient(api_path = '/api', api_version = 'v1') return nil unless api_url && namespace && token url = URI.parse(api_url) url.path = url.path[0..-2] if url.path[-1] == "/" url.path += api_path url, api_version, ssl_options: kubeclient_ssl_options, auth_options: kubeclient_auth_options, http_proxy_uri: ENV['http_proxy'] ) end def kubeclient_ssl_options opts = { verify_ssl: OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER } if ca_pem.present? opts[:cert_store] = opts[:cert_store].add_cert( end opts end def kubeclient_auth_options { bearer_token: token } end end