# frozen_string_literal: true class ProtectableDropdown REF_TYPES = %i[branches tags].freeze def initialize(project, ref_type) raise ArgumentError, "invalid ref type `#{ref_type}`" unless ref_type.in?(REF_TYPES) @project = project @ref_type = ref_type end # Tags/branches which are yet to be individually protected def protectable_ref_names @protectable_ref_names ||= ref_names - non_wildcard_protected_ref_names end def hash protectable_ref_names.map { |ref_name| { text: ref_name, id: ref_name, title: ref_name } } end private def refs @project.repository.public_send(@ref_type) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def ref_names refs.map(&:name) end def protections @project.public_send("protected_#{@ref_type}") # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def non_wildcard_protected_ref_names protections.reject(&:wildcard?).map(&:name) end end