require 'securerandom' class Repository REF_MERGE_REQUEST = 'merge-requests'.freeze REF_KEEP_AROUND = 'keep-around'.freeze REF_ENVIRONMENTS = 'environments'.freeze MAX_DIVERGING_COUNT = 1000 RESERVED_REFS_NAMES = %W[ heads tags replace #{REF_ENVIRONMENTS} #{REF_KEEP_AROUND} #{REF_ENVIRONMENTS} ].freeze include Gitlab::ShellAdapter attr_accessor :full_path, :disk_path, :project, :is_wiki delegate :ref_name_for_sha, to: :raw_repository delegate :bundle_to_disk, :create_from_bundle, to: :raw_repository CreateTreeError = # Methods that cache data from the Git repository. # # Each entry in this Array should have a corresponding method with the exact # same name. The cache key used by those methods must also match method's # name. # # For example, for entry `:commit_count` there's a method called `commit_count` which # stores its data in the `commit_count` cache key. CACHED_METHODS = %i(size commit_count rendered_readme contribution_guide changelog license_blob license_key gitignore koding_yml gitlab_ci_yml branch_names tag_names branch_count tag_count avatar exists? empty? root_ref has_visible_content? issue_template_names merge_request_template_names).freeze # Methods that use cache_method but only memoize the value MEMOIZED_CACHED_METHODS = %i(license).freeze # Certain method caches should be refreshed when certain types of files are # changed. This Hash maps file types (as returned by Gitlab::FileDetector) to # the corresponding methods to call for refreshing caches. METHOD_CACHES_FOR_FILE_TYPES = { readme: :rendered_readme, changelog: :changelog, license: %i(license_blob license_key license), contributing: :contribution_guide, gitignore: :gitignore, koding: :koding_yml, gitlab_ci: :gitlab_ci_yml, avatar: :avatar, issue_template: :issue_template_names, merge_request_template: :merge_request_template_names }.freeze # Wraps around the given method and caches its output in Redis and an instance # variable. # # This only works for methods that do not take any arguments. def self.cache_method(name, fallback: nil, memoize_only: false) original = :"_uncached_#{name}" alias_method(original, name) define_method(name) do cache_method_output(name, fallback: fallback, memoize_only: memoize_only) do __send__(original) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end end def initialize(full_path, project, disk_path: nil, is_wiki: false) @full_path = full_path @disk_path = disk_path || full_path @project = project @commit_cache = {} @is_wiki = is_wiki end def ==(other) @disk_path == other.disk_path end def raw_repository return nil unless full_path @raw_repository ||= initialize_raw_repository end alias_method :raw, :raw_repository def cleanup @raw_repository&.cleanup end # Return absolute path to repository def path_to_repo @path_to_repo ||= File.expand_path( File.join(repository_storage_path, disk_path + '.git') ) end def inspect "#<#{}:#{@disk_path}>" end def create_hooks Gitlab::Git::Repository.create_hooks(path_to_repo, Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.hooks_path) end def commit(ref = 'HEAD') return nil unless exists? return ref if ref.is_a?(::Commit) find_commit(ref) end # Finding a commit by the passed SHA # Also takes care of caching, based on the SHA def commit_by(oid:) return @commit_cache[oid] if @commit_cache.key?(oid) @commit_cache[oid] = find_commit(oid) end def commits_by(oids:) return [] unless oids.present? commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.batch_by_oid(raw_repository, oids) if commits.present? Commit.decorate(commits, @project) else [] end end def commits(ref, path: nil, limit: nil, offset: nil, skip_merges: false, after: nil, before: nil) options = { repo: raw_repository, ref: ref, path: path, limit: limit, offset: offset, after: after, before: before, follow: Array(path).length == 1, skip_merges: skip_merges } commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.where(options) commits = Commit.decorate(commits, @project) if commits.present?, commits, ref) end def commits_between(from, to) commits = Gitlab::Git::Commit.between(raw_repository, from, to) commits = Commit.decorate(commits, @project) if commits.present? commits end # Returns a list of commits that are not present in any reference def new_commits(newrev) refs =, newrev: newrev).new_refs { |sha| commit(sha.strip) } end # Gitaly migration: def find_commits_by_message(query, ref = nil, path = nil, limit = 1000, offset = 0) unless exists? && has_visible_content? && query.present? return [] end commits = raw_repository.find_commits_by_message(query, ref, path, limit, offset).map do |c| commit(c) end, commits, ref) end def find_branch(name, fresh_repo: true) raw_repository.find_branch(name, fresh_repo) end def find_tag(name) tags.find { |tag| == name } end def add_branch(user, branch_name, ref) branch = raw_repository.add_branch(branch_name, user: user, target: ref) after_create_branch branch rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::InvalidRef false end def add_tag(user, tag_name, target, message = nil) raw_repository.add_tag(tag_name, user: user, target: target, message: message) rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::InvalidRef false end def rm_branch(user, branch_name) before_remove_branch raw_repository.rm_branch(branch_name, user: user) after_remove_branch true end def rm_tag(user, tag_name) before_remove_tag raw_repository.rm_tag(tag_name, user: user) after_remove_tag true end def ref_names branch_names + tag_names end def branch_exists?(branch_name) return false unless raw_repository branch_names.include?(branch_name) end def tag_exists?(tag_name) return false unless raw_repository tag_names.include?(tag_name) end def ref_exists?(ref) !!raw_repository&.ref_exists?(ref) rescue ArgumentError false end # Makes sure a commit is kept around when Git garbage collection runs. # Git GC will delete commits from the repository that are no longer in any # branches or tags, but we want to keep some of these commits around, for # example if they have comments or CI builds. def keep_around(sha) return unless sha && commit_by(oid: sha) return if kept_around?(sha) # This will still fail if the file is corrupted (e.g. 0 bytes) raw_repository.write_ref(keep_around_ref_name(sha), sha, shell: false) rescue Gitlab::Git::CommandError => ex Rails.logger.error "Unable to create keep-around reference for repository #{path}: #{ex}" end def kept_around?(sha) ref_exists?(keep_around_ref_name(sha)) end def diverging_commit_counts(branch) root_ref_hash = raw_repository.commit(root_ref).id cache.fetch(:"diverging_commit_counts_#{}") do # Rugged seems to throw a `ReferenceError` when given branch_names rather # than SHA-1 hashes number_commits_behind, number_commits_ahead = raw_repository.count_commits_between( root_ref_hash, branch.dereferenced_target.sha, left_right: true, max_count: MAX_DIVERGING_COUNT) { behind: number_commits_behind, ahead: number_commits_ahead } end end def expire_tags_cache expire_method_caches(%i(tag_names tag_count)) @tags = nil end def expire_branches_cache expire_method_caches(%i(branch_names branch_count has_visible_content?)) @local_branches = nil @branch_exists_memo = nil end def expire_statistics_caches expire_method_caches(%i(size commit_count)) end def expire_all_method_caches expire_method_caches(CACHED_METHODS) end # Expires the caches of a specific set of methods def expire_method_caches(methods) methods.each do |key| cache.expire(key) ivar = cache_instance_variable_name(key) remove_instance_variable(ivar) if instance_variable_defined?(ivar) end end def expire_avatar_cache expire_method_caches(%i(avatar)) end # Refreshes the method caches of this repository. # # types - An Array of file types (e.g. `:readme`) used to refresh extra # caches. def refresh_method_caches(types) to_refresh = [] types.each do |type| methods = METHOD_CACHES_FOR_FILE_TYPES[type.to_sym] to_refresh.concat(Array(methods)) if methods end expire_method_caches(to_refresh) to_refresh.each { |method| send(method) } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def expire_branch_cache(branch_name = nil) # When we push to the root branch we have to flush the cache for all other # branches as their statistics are based on the commits relative to the # root branch. if !branch_name || branch_name == root_ref branches.each do |branch| cache.expire(:"diverging_commit_counts_#{}") cache.expire(:"commit_count_#{}") end # In case a commit is pushed to a non-root branch we only have to flush the # cache for said branch. else cache.expire(:"diverging_commit_counts_#{branch_name}") cache.expire(:"commit_count_#{branch_name}") end end def expire_root_ref_cache expire_method_caches(%i(root_ref)) end # Expires the cache(s) used to determine if a repository is empty or not. def expire_emptiness_caches return unless empty? expire_method_caches(%i(empty? has_visible_content?)) end def lookup_cache @lookup_cache ||= {} end def expire_exists_cache expire_method_caches(%i(exists?)) end # expire cache that doesn't depend on repository data (when expiring) def expire_content_cache expire_tags_cache expire_branches_cache expire_root_ref_cache expire_emptiness_caches expire_exists_cache expire_statistics_caches end # Runs code after a repository has been created. def after_create expire_exists_cache expire_root_ref_cache expire_emptiness_caches repository_event(:create_repository) end # Runs code just before a repository is deleted. def before_delete expire_exists_cache expire_all_method_caches expire_branch_cache if exists? expire_content_cache repository_event(:remove_repository) end # Runs code just before the HEAD of a repository is changed. def before_change_head # Cached divergent commit counts are based on repository head expire_branch_cache expire_root_ref_cache repository_event(:change_default_branch) end # Runs code before pushing (= creating or removing) a tag. def before_push_tag expire_statistics_caches expire_emptiness_caches expire_tags_cache repository_event(:push_tag) end # Runs code before removing a tag. def before_remove_tag expire_tags_cache expire_statistics_caches repository_event(:remove_tag) end # Runs code after removing a tag. def after_remove_tag expire_tags_cache end # Runs code after the HEAD of a repository is changed. def after_change_head expire_method_caches(METHOD_CACHES_FOR_FILE_TYPES.keys) end # Runs code after a repository has been forked/imported. def after_import expire_content_cache end # Runs code after a new commit has been pushed. def after_push_commit(branch_name) expire_statistics_caches expire_branch_cache(branch_name) repository_event(:push_commit, branch: branch_name) end # Runs code after a new branch has been created. def after_create_branch expire_branches_cache repository_event(:push_branch) end # Runs code before removing an existing branch. def before_remove_branch expire_branches_cache repository_event(:remove_branch) end # Runs code after an existing branch has been removed. def after_remove_branch expire_branches_cache end def method_missing(m, *args, &block) if m == :lookup && !block_given? lookup_cache[m] ||= {} lookup_cache[m][args.join(":")] ||= raw_repository.__send__(m, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend else raw_repository.__send__(m, *args, &block) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end def respond_to_missing?(method, include_private = false) raw_repository.respond_to?(method, include_private) || super end def blob_at(sha, path) Blob.decorate(raw_repository.blob_at(sha, path), project) rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository nil end # items is an Array like: [[oid, path], [oid1, path1]] def blobs_at(items) raw_repository.batch_blobs(items).map { |blob| Blob.decorate(blob, project) } end def root_ref # When the repo does not exist, or there is no root ref, we raise this error so no data is cached. raw_repository&.root_ref or raise Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository # rubocop:disable Style/AndOr end cache_method :root_ref # Gitaly migration: def exists? return false unless full_path raw_repository.exists? end cache_method :exists? def empty? return true unless exists? !has_visible_content? end cache_method :empty? # The size of this repository in megabytes. def size exists? ? raw_repository.size : 0.0 end cache_method :size, fallback: 0.0 def commit_count root_ref ? raw_repository.commit_count(root_ref) : 0 end cache_method :commit_count, fallback: 0 def commit_count_for_ref(ref) return 0 unless exists? cache.fetch(:"commit_count_#{ref}") { raw_repository.commit_count(ref) } end delegate :branch_names, to: :raw_repository cache_method :branch_names, fallback: [] delegate :tag_names, to: :raw_repository cache_method :tag_names, fallback: [] delegate :branch_count, :tag_count, :has_visible_content?, to: :raw_repository cache_method :branch_count, fallback: 0 cache_method :tag_count, fallback: 0 cache_method :has_visible_content?, fallback: false def avatar # n+1: Gitlab::GitalyClient.allow_n_plus_1_calls do if tree = file_on_head(:avatar) tree.path end end end cache_method :avatar def issue_template_names Gitlab::Template::IssueTemplate.dropdown_names(project) end cache_method :issue_template_names, fallback: [] def merge_request_template_names Gitlab::Template::MergeRequestTemplate.dropdown_names(project) end cache_method :merge_request_template_names, fallback: [] def readme if readme = tree(:head)&.readme, self) end end def rendered_readme MarkupHelper.markup_unsafe(,, project: project) if readme end cache_method :rendered_readme def contribution_guide file_on_head(:contributing) end cache_method :contribution_guide def changelog file_on_head(:changelog) end cache_method :changelog def license_blob file_on_head(:license) end cache_method :license_blob def license_key return unless exists? # The licensee gem creates a Rugged object from the path: # begin Licensee.license(path).try(:key) # Normally we would rescue Rugged::Error, but that is banned by lint-rugged # and we need to migrate this endpoint to Gitaly: # rescue end end cache_method :license_key def license return unless license_key end cache_method :license, memoize_only: true def gitignore file_on_head(:gitignore) end cache_method :gitignore def koding_yml file_on_head(:koding) end cache_method :koding_yml def gitlab_ci_yml file_on_head(:gitlab_ci) end cache_method :gitlab_ci_yml def head_commit @head_commit ||= commit(self.root_ref) end def head_tree if head_commit @head_tree ||=, head_commit.sha, nil) end end def tree(sha = :head, path = nil, recursive: false) if sha == :head return unless head_commit if path.nil? return head_tree else sha = head_commit.sha end end, sha, path, recursive: recursive) end def blob_at_branch(branch_name, path) last_commit = commit(branch_name) if last_commit blob_at(last_commit.sha, path) else nil end end def last_commit_for_path(sha, path) commit_by(oid: last_commit_id_for_path(sha, path)) end def last_commit_id_for_path(sha, path) key = path.blank? ? "last_commit_id_for_path:#{sha}" : "last_commit_id_for_path:#{sha}:#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(path)}" cache.fetch(key) do raw_repository.last_commit_id_for_path(sha, path) end end def next_branch(name, opts = {}) branch_ids = do |n| next 1 if n == name result = n.match(/\A#{name}-([0-9]+)\z/) result[1].to_i if result end.compact highest_branch_id = branch_ids.max || 0 return name if opts[:mild] && 0 == highest_branch_id "#{name}-#{highest_branch_id + 1}" end def branches_sorted_by(value) raw_repository.local_branches(sort_by: value) end def tags_sorted_by(value) case value when 'name_asc' VersionSorter.sort(tags) { |tag| } when 'name_desc' VersionSorter.rsort(tags) { |tag| } when 'updated_desc' tags_sorted_by_committed_date.reverse when 'updated_asc' tags_sorted_by_committed_date else tags end end # Params: # # order_by: name|email|commits # sort: asc|desc default: 'asc' def contributors(order_by: nil, sort: 'asc') commits = self.commits(nil, limit: 2000, offset: 0, skip_merges: true) commits = commits.group_by(&:author_email).map do |email, commits| contributor = = email commits.each do |commit| if = commit.author_name end contributor.commits += 1 end contributor end Commit.order_by(collection: commits, order_by: order_by, sort: sort) end def branch_names_contains(sha) raw_repository.branch_names_contains_sha(sha) end def tag_names_contains(sha) raw_repository.tag_names_contains_sha(sha) end def local_branches @local_branches ||= raw_repository.local_branches end alias_method :branches, :local_branches def tags @tags ||= raw_repository.tags end def create_dir(user, path, **options) options[:actions] = [{ action: :create_dir, file_path: path }] multi_action(user, **options) end def create_file(user, path, content, **options) options[:actions] = [{ action: :create, file_path: path, content: content }] multi_action(user, **options) end def update_file(user, path, content, **options) previous_path = options.delete(:previous_path) action = previous_path && previous_path != path ? :move : :update options[:actions] = [{ action: action, file_path: path, previous_path: previous_path, content: content }] multi_action(user, **options) end def delete_file(user, path, **options) options[:actions] = [{ action: :delete, file_path: path }] multi_action(user, **options) end def with_cache_hooks result = yield return unless result after_create if result.repo_created? after_create_branch if result.branch_created? result.newrev end def multi_action(user, **options) start_project = options.delete(:start_project) if start_project options[:start_repository] = start_project.repository.raw_repository end with_cache_hooks { raw.multi_action(user, **options) } end def merge(user, source_sha, merge_request, message) with_cache_hooks do raw_repository.merge(user, source_sha, merge_request.target_branch, message) do |commit_id| merge_request.update(in_progress_merge_commit_sha: commit_id) nil # Return value does not matter. end end end def ff_merge(user, source, target_branch, merge_request: nil) their_commit_id = commit(source)&.id raise 'Invalid merge source' if their_commit_id.nil? merge_request&.update(in_progress_merge_commit_sha: their_commit_id) with_cache_hooks { raw.ff_merge(user, their_commit_id, target_branch) } end def revert( user, commit, branch_name, message, start_branch_name: nil, start_project: project) with_cache_hooks do raw_repository.revert( user: user, commit: commit.raw, branch_name: branch_name, message: message, start_branch_name: start_branch_name, start_repository: start_project.repository.raw_repository ) end end def cherry_pick( user, commit, branch_name, message, start_branch_name: nil, start_project: project) with_cache_hooks do raw_repository.cherry_pick( user: user, commit: commit.raw, branch_name: branch_name, message: message, start_branch_name: start_branch_name, start_repository: start_project.repository.raw_repository ) end end def merged_to_root_ref?(branch_or_name) branch = Gitlab::Git::Branch.find(self, branch_or_name) if branch same_head = == root_ref_sha merged = ancestor?(, root_ref_sha) !same_head && merged else nil end end def root_ref_sha @root_ref_sha ||= commit(root_ref).sha end delegate :merged_branch_names, :can_be_merged?, to: :raw_repository def merge_base(first_commit_id, second_commit_id) first_commit_id = commit(first_commit_id).try(:id) || first_commit_id second_commit_id = commit(second_commit_id).try(:id) || second_commit_id raw_repository.merge_base(first_commit_id, second_commit_id) end def ancestor?(ancestor_id, descendant_id) return false if ancestor_id.nil? || descendant_id.nil? raw_repository.ancestor?(ancestor_id, descendant_id) end def fetch_as_mirror(url, forced: false, refmap: :all_refs, remote_name: nil) unless remote_name remote_name = "tmp-#{SecureRandom.hex}" tmp_remote_name = true end add_remote(remote_name, url, mirror_refmap: refmap) fetch_remote(remote_name, forced: forced) ensure remove_remote(remote_name) if tmp_remote_name end def fetch_remote(remote, forced: false, ssh_auth: nil, no_tags: false) gitlab_shell.fetch_remote(raw_repository, remote, ssh_auth: ssh_auth, forced: forced, no_tags: no_tags) end def fetch_source_branch!(source_repository, source_branch, local_ref) raw_repository.fetch_source_branch!(source_repository.raw_repository, source_branch, local_ref) end def compare_source_branch(target_branch_name, source_repository, source_branch_name, straight:) raw_repository.compare_source_branch(target_branch_name, source_repository.raw_repository, source_branch_name, straight: straight) end def create_ref(ref, ref_path) raw_repository.write_ref(ref_path, ref) end def ls_files(ref) actual_ref = ref || root_ref raw_repository.ls_files(actual_ref) end def search_files_by_content(query, ref) return [] if empty? || query.blank? raw_repository.search_files_by_content(query, ref) end def search_files_by_name(query, ref) return [] if empty? raw_repository.search_files_by_name(query, ref) end def copy_gitattributes(ref) actual_ref = ref || root_ref begin raw_repository.copy_gitattributes(actual_ref) true rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::InvalidRef false end end # Caches the supplied block both in a cache and in an instance variable. # # The cache key and instance variable are named the same way as the value of # the `key` argument. # # This method will return `nil` if the corresponding instance variable is also # set to `nil`. This ensures we don't keep yielding the block when it returns # `nil`. # # key - The name of the key to cache the data in. # fallback - A value to fall back to in the event of a Git error. def cache_method_output(key, fallback: nil, memoize_only: false, &block) ivar = cache_instance_variable_name(key) if instance_variable_defined?(ivar) instance_variable_get(ivar) else # If the repository doesn't exist and a fallback was specified we return # that value inmediately. This saves us Rugged/gRPC invocations. return fallback unless fallback.nil? || exists? begin value = if memoize_only yield else cache.fetch(key, &block) end instance_variable_set(ivar, value) rescue Gitlab::Git::Repository::NoRepository # Even if the above `#exists?` check passes these errors might still # occur (for example because of a non-existing HEAD). We want to # gracefully handle this and not cache anything fallback end end end def cache_instance_variable_name(key) :"@#{'?!', '')}" end def file_on_head(type) if head = tree(:head) head.blobs.find do |blob| Gitlab::FileDetector.type_of(blob.path) == type end end end def route_map_for(sha) blob_data_at(sha, '.gitlab/route-map.yml') end def gitlab_ci_yml_for(sha, path = '.gitlab-ci.yml') blob_data_at(sha, path) end def fetch_ref(source_repository, source_ref:, target_ref:) raw_repository.fetch_ref(source_repository.raw_repository, source_ref: source_ref, target_ref: target_ref) end def repository_storage_path @project.repository_storage_path end def rebase(user, merge_request) raw.rebase(user,, branch: merge_request.source_branch, branch_sha: merge_request.source_branch_sha, remote_repository: merge_request.target_project.repository.raw, remote_branch: merge_request.target_branch) end private # TODO Generice finder, later split this on finders by Ref or Oid # gitlab-org/gitlab-ce#39239 def find_commit(oid_or_ref) commit = if oid_or_ref.is_a?(Gitlab::Git::Commit) oid_or_ref else Gitlab::Git::Commit.find(raw_repository, oid_or_ref) end, @project) if commit end def blob_data_at(sha, path) blob = blob_at(sha, path) return unless blob blob.load_all_data! end def cache # TODO: should we use UUIDs here? We could move repositories without clearing this cache @cache ||=, end def tags_sorted_by_committed_date tags.sort_by do |tag| # Annotated tags can point to any object (e.g. a blob), but generally # tags point to a commit. If we don't have a commit, then just default # to putting the tag at the end of the list. target = tag.dereferenced_target if target target.committed_date else end end end def keep_around_ref_name(sha) "refs/#{REF_KEEP_AROUND}/#{sha}" end def repository_event(event, tags = {}) Gitlab::Metrics.add_event(event, { path: full_path }.merge(tags)) end def initialize_raw_repository, disk_path + '.git', Gitlab::GlRepository.gl_repository(project, is_wiki)) end end