class SentNotification < ActiveRecord::Base serialize :position, Gitlab::Diff::Position belongs_to :project belongs_to :noteable, polymorphic: true belongs_to :recipient, class_name: "User" validates :project, :recipient, presence: true validates :reply_key, presence: true, uniqueness: true validates :noteable_id, presence: true, unless: :for_commit? validates :commit_id, presence: true, if: :for_commit? validates :in_reply_to_discussion_id, format: { with: /\A\h{40}\z/, allow_nil: true } validate :note_valid after_save :keep_around_commit class << self def reply_key SecureRandom.hex(16) end def for(reply_key) find_by(reply_key: reply_key) end def record(noteable, recipient_id, reply_key = self.reply_key, attrs = {}) noteable_id = nil commit_id = nil if noteable.is_a?(Commit) commit_id = else noteable_id = end attrs.reverse_merge!( project: noteable.project, recipient_id: recipient_id, reply_key: reply_key, noteable_type:, noteable_id: noteable_id, commit_id: commit_id, ) create(attrs) end def record_note(note, recipient_id, reply_key = self.reply_key, attrs = {}) attrs[:in_reply_to_discussion_id] = note.discussion_id record(note.noteable, recipient_id, reply_key, attrs) end end def unsubscribable? !for_commit? end def for_commit? noteable_type == "Commit" end def noteable if for_commit? project.commit(commit_id) rescue nil else super end end def position=(new_position) if new_position.is_a?(String) new_position = JSON.parse(new_position) rescue nil end if new_position.is_a?(Hash) new_position = new_position.with_indifferent_access new_position = end super(new_position) end def to_param self.reply_key end def create_reply(message, dryrun: false) klass = dryrun ? Notes::BuildService : Notes::CreateService, self.recipient, reply_params.merge(note: message)).execute end private def reply_params attrs = { noteable_type: self.noteable_type, noteable_id: self.noteable_id, commit_id: self.commit_id } if self.in_reply_to_discussion_id.present? attrs[:in_reply_to_discussion_id] = self.in_reply_to_discussion_id else # Remove in GitLab 10.0, when we will not support replying to SentNotifications # that don't have `in_reply_to_discussion_id` anymore. attrs.merge!( type: self.note_type, # LegacyDiffNote line_code: self.line_code, # DiffNote position: self.position.to_json ) end attrs end def note_valid note = create_reply('Test', dryrun: true) unless note.valid? self.errors.add(:base, "Note parameters are invalid: #{note.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}") end end def keep_around_commit project.repository.keep_around(self.commit_id) end end