# frozen_string_literal: true require 'carrierwave/orm/activerecord' class User < ApplicationRecord extend Gitlab::ConfigHelper include Gitlab::ConfigHelper include Gitlab::SQL::Pattern include AfterCommitQueue include Avatarable include Referable include Sortable include CaseSensitivity include TokenAuthenticatable include FeatureGate include CreatedAtFilterable include BulkMemberAccessLoad include BlocksJsonSerialization include WithUploads include OptionallySearch include FromUnion include BatchDestroyDependentAssociations include HasUniqueInternalUsers include IgnorableColumns include UpdateHighestRole include HasUserType DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_LEVEL = :participating add_authentication_token_field :incoming_email_token, token_generator: -> { SecureRandom.hex.to_i(16).to_s(36) } add_authentication_token_field :feed_token add_authentication_token_field :static_object_token default_value_for :admin, false default_value_for(:external) { Gitlab::CurrentSettings.user_default_external } default_value_for :can_create_group, gitlab_config.default_can_create_group default_value_for :can_create_team, false default_value_for :hide_no_ssh_key, false default_value_for :hide_no_password, false default_value_for :project_view, :files default_value_for :notified_of_own_activity, false default_value_for :preferred_language, I18n.default_locale default_value_for :theme_id, gitlab_config.default_theme attr_encrypted :otp_secret, key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.otp_key_base, mode: :per_attribute_iv_and_salt, insecure_mode: true, algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc' devise :two_factor_authenticatable, otp_secret_encryption_key: Gitlab::Application.secrets.otp_key_base devise :two_factor_backupable, otp_number_of_backup_codes: 10 serialize :otp_backup_codes, JSON # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordSerialize devise :lockable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :omniauthable, :confirmable, :registerable include AdminChangedPasswordNotifier # This module adds async behaviour to Devise emails # and should be added after Devise modules are initialized. include AsyncDeviseEmail MINIMUM_INACTIVE_DAYS = 90 # Override Devise::Models::Trackable#update_tracked_fields! # to limit database writes to at most once every hour # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def update_tracked_fields!(request) return if Gitlab::Database.read_only? update_tracked_fields(request) lease = Gitlab::ExclusiveLease.new("user_update_tracked_fields:#{id}", timeout: 1.hour.to_i) return unless lease.try_obtain Users::UpdateService.new(self, user: self).execute(validate: false) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass attr_accessor :force_random_password # Virtual attribute for authenticating by either username or email attr_accessor :login # Virtual attribute for impersonator attr_accessor :impersonator # # Relations # # Namespace for personal projects has_one :namespace, -> { where(type: nil) }, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :owner_id, inverse_of: :owner, autosave: true # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent # Profile has_many :keys, -> { regular_keys }, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :deploy_keys, -> { where(type: 'DeployKey') }, dependent: :nullify # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :group_deploy_keys has_many :gpg_keys has_many :emails has_many :personal_access_tokens, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :identities, dependent: :destroy, autosave: true # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :u2f_registrations, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :webauthn_registrations has_many :chat_names, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_one :user_synced_attributes_metadata, autosave: true has_one :aws_role, class_name: 'Aws::Role' # Groups has_many :members has_many :group_members, -> { where(requested_at: nil).where("access_level >= ?", Gitlab::Access::GUEST) }, source: 'GroupMember' has_many :groups, through: :group_members has_many :owned_groups, -> { where(members: { access_level: Gitlab::Access::OWNER }) }, through: :group_members, source: :group has_many :maintainers_groups, -> { where(members: { access_level: Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER }) }, through: :group_members, source: :group has_many :developer_groups, -> { where(members: { access_level: ::Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER }) }, through: :group_members, source: :group has_many :owned_or_maintainers_groups, -> { where(members: { access_level: [Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER, Gitlab::Access::OWNER] }) }, through: :group_members, source: :group alias_attribute :masters_groups, :maintainers_groups has_many :reporter_developer_maintainer_owned_groups, -> { where(members: { access_level: [Gitlab::Access::REPORTER, Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER, Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER, Gitlab::Access::OWNER] }) }, through: :group_members, source: :group has_many :minimal_access_group_members, -> { where(access_level: [Gitlab::Access::MINIMAL_ACCESS]) }, source: 'GroupMember', class_name: 'GroupMember' has_many :minimal_access_groups, through: :minimal_access_group_members, source: :group # Projects has_many :groups_projects, through: :groups, source: :projects has_many :personal_projects, through: :namespace, source: :projects has_many :project_members, -> { where(requested_at: nil) } has_many :projects, through: :project_members has_many :created_projects, foreign_key: :creator_id, class_name: 'Project' has_many :users_star_projects, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :starred_projects, through: :users_star_projects, source: :project has_many :project_authorizations, dependent: :delete_all # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :authorized_projects, through: :project_authorizations, source: :project has_many :user_interacted_projects has_many :project_interactions, through: :user_interacted_projects, source: :project, class_name: 'Project' has_many :snippets, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :author_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :notes, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :author_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :issues, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :author_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :merge_requests, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :author_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :events, dependent: :delete_all, foreign_key: :author_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :releases, dependent: :nullify, foreign_key: :author_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :subscriptions, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :oauth_applications, class_name: 'Doorkeeper::Application', as: :owner, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_one :abuse_report, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :user_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :reported_abuse_reports, dependent: :destroy, foreign_key: :reporter_id, class_name: "AbuseReport" # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :spam_logs, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :builds, dependent: :nullify, class_name: 'Ci::Build' # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :pipelines, dependent: :nullify, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline' # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :todos has_many :notification_settings has_many :award_emoji, dependent: :destroy # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :triggers, dependent: :destroy, class_name: 'Ci::Trigger', foreign_key: :owner_id # rubocop:disable Cop/ActiveRecordDependent has_many :issue_assignees, inverse_of: :assignee has_many :merge_request_assignees, inverse_of: :assignee has_many :assigned_issues, class_name: "Issue", through: :issue_assignees, source: :issue has_many :assigned_merge_requests, class_name: "MergeRequest", through: :merge_request_assignees, source: :merge_request has_many :bulk_imports has_many :custom_attributes, class_name: 'UserCustomAttribute' has_many :callouts, class_name: 'UserCallout' has_many :term_agreements belongs_to :accepted_term, class_name: 'ApplicationSetting::Term' has_many :metrics_users_starred_dashboards, class_name: 'Metrics::UsersStarredDashboard', inverse_of: :user has_one :status, class_name: 'UserStatus' has_one :user_preference has_one :user_detail has_one :user_highest_role has_one :user_canonical_email has_one :atlassian_identity, class_name: 'Atlassian::Identity' has_many :reviews, foreign_key: :author_id, inverse_of: :author # # Validations # # Note: devise :validatable above adds validations for :email and :password validates :name, presence: true, length: { maximum: 255 } validates :first_name, length: { maximum: 127 } validates :last_name, length: { maximum: 127 } validates :email, confirmation: true validates :notification_email, presence: true validates :notification_email, devise_email: true, if: ->(user) { user.notification_email != user.email } validates :public_email, presence: true, uniqueness: true, devise_email: true, allow_blank: true validates :commit_email, devise_email: true, allow_nil: true, if: ->(user) { user.commit_email != user.email } validates :projects_limit, presence: true, numericality: { greater_than_or_equal_to: 0, less_than_or_equal_to: Gitlab::Database::MAX_INT_VALUE } validates :username, presence: true validates :namespace, presence: true validate :namespace_move_dir_allowed, if: :username_changed? validate :unique_email, if: :email_changed? validate :owns_notification_email, if: :notification_email_changed? validate :owns_public_email, if: :public_email_changed? validate :owns_commit_email, if: :commit_email_changed? validate :signup_domain_valid?, on: :create, if: ->(user) { !user.created_by_id } validate :check_email_restrictions, on: :create, if: ->(user) { !user.created_by_id } validates :theme_id, allow_nil: true, inclusion: { in: Gitlab::Themes.valid_ids, message: _("%{placeholder} is not a valid theme") % { placeholder: '%{value}' } } validates :color_scheme_id, allow_nil: true, inclusion: { in: Gitlab::ColorSchemes.valid_ids, message: _("%{placeholder} is not a valid color scheme") % { placeholder: '%{value}' } } before_validation :sanitize_attrs before_validation :set_notification_email, if: :new_record? before_validation :set_public_email, if: :public_email_changed? before_validation :set_commit_email, if: :commit_email_changed? before_save :default_private_profile_to_false before_save :set_public_email, if: :public_email_changed? # in case validation is skipped before_save :set_commit_email, if: :commit_email_changed? # in case validation is skipped before_save :ensure_incoming_email_token before_save :ensure_user_rights_and_limits, if: ->(user) { user.new_record? || user.external_changed? } before_save :skip_reconfirmation!, if: ->(user) { user.email_changed? && user.read_only_attribute?(:email) } before_save :check_for_verified_email, if: ->(user) { user.email_changed? && !user.new_record? } before_validation :ensure_namespace_correct before_save :ensure_namespace_correct # in case validation is skipped after_validation :set_username_errors after_update :username_changed_hook, if: :saved_change_to_username? after_destroy :post_destroy_hook after_destroy :remove_key_cache after_commit(on: :update) do if previous_changes.key?('email') # Grab previous_email here since previous_changes changes after # #update_emails_with_primary_email and #update_notification_email are called previous_confirmed_at = previous_changes.key?('confirmed_at') ? previous_changes['confirmed_at'][0] : confirmed_at previous_email = previous_changes[:email][0] update_emails_with_primary_email(previous_confirmed_at, previous_email) update_invalid_gpg_signatures if previous_email == notification_email self.notification_email = email save end end end after_initialize :set_projects_limit # User's Layout preference enum layout: { fixed: 0, fluid: 1 } # User's Dashboard preference enum dashboard: { projects: 0, stars: 1, project_activity: 2, starred_project_activity: 3, groups: 4, todos: 5, issues: 6, merge_requests: 7, operations: 8 } # User's Project preference enum project_view: { readme: 0, activity: 1, files: 2 } # User's role enum role: { software_developer: 0, development_team_lead: 1, devops_engineer: 2, systems_administrator: 3, security_analyst: 4, data_analyst: 5, product_manager: 6, product_designer: 7, other: 8 }, _suffix: true delegate :notes_filter_for, :set_notes_filter, :first_day_of_week, :first_day_of_week=, :timezone, :timezone=, :time_display_relative, :time_display_relative=, :time_format_in_24h, :time_format_in_24h=, :show_whitespace_in_diffs, :show_whitespace_in_diffs=, :view_diffs_file_by_file, :view_diffs_file_by_file=, :tab_width, :tab_width=, :sourcegraph_enabled, :sourcegraph_enabled=, :gitpod_enabled, :gitpod_enabled=, :setup_for_company, :setup_for_company=, :render_whitespace_in_code, :render_whitespace_in_code=, :experience_level, :experience_level=, to: :user_preference delegate :path, to: :namespace, allow_nil: true, prefix: true delegate :job_title, :job_title=, to: :user_detail, allow_nil: true delegate :bio, :bio=, :bio_html, to: :user_detail, allow_nil: true delegate :webauthn_xid, :webauthn_xid=, to: :user_detail, allow_nil: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_preference, update_only: true accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_detail, update_only: true state_machine :state, initial: :active do event :block do transition active: :blocked transition deactivated: :blocked transition ldap_blocked: :blocked transition blocked_pending_approval: :blocked end event :ldap_block do transition active: :ldap_blocked transition deactivated: :ldap_blocked end event :activate do transition deactivated: :active transition blocked: :active transition ldap_blocked: :active transition blocked_pending_approval: :active end event :block_pending_approval do transition active: :blocked_pending_approval end event :deactivate do transition active: :deactivated end state :blocked, :ldap_blocked, :blocked_pending_approval do def blocked? true end end before_transition do !Gitlab::Database.read_only? end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass # Ideally we should not call a service object here but user.block # is also bcalled by Users::MigrateToGhostUserService which references # this state transition object in order to do a rollback. # For this reason the tradeoff is to disable this cop. after_transition any => :blocked do |user| Ci::CancelUserPipelinesService.new.execute(user) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass end # Scopes scope :admins, -> { where(admin: true) } scope :blocked, -> { with_states(:blocked, :ldap_blocked) } scope :blocked_pending_approval, -> { with_states(:blocked_pending_approval) } scope :external, -> { where(external: true) } scope :confirmed, -> { where.not(confirmed_at: nil) } scope :active, -> { with_state(:active).non_internal } scope :active_without_ghosts, -> { with_state(:active).without_ghosts } scope :deactivated, -> { with_state(:deactivated).non_internal } scope :without_projects, -> { joins('LEFT JOIN project_authorizations ON users.id = project_authorizations.user_id').where(project_authorizations: { user_id: nil }) } scope :by_username, -> (usernames) { iwhere(username: Array(usernames).map(&:to_s)) } scope :for_todos, -> (todos) { where(id: todos.select(:user_id)) } scope :with_emails, -> { preload(:emails) } scope :with_dashboard, -> (dashboard) { where(dashboard: dashboard) } scope :with_public_profile, -> { where(private_profile: false) } scope :with_expiring_and_not_notified_personal_access_tokens, ->(at) do where('EXISTS (?)', ::PersonalAccessToken .where('personal_access_tokens.user_id = users.id') .without_impersonation .expiring_and_not_notified(at).select(1)) end scope :with_personal_access_tokens_expired_today, -> do where('EXISTS (?)', ::PersonalAccessToken .select(1) .where('personal_access_tokens.user_id = users.id') .without_impersonation .expired_today_and_not_notified) end scope :order_recent_sign_in, -> { reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('current_sign_in_at', 'DESC')) } scope :order_oldest_sign_in, -> { reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('current_sign_in_at', 'ASC')) } scope :order_recent_last_activity, -> { reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_last_order('last_activity_on', 'DESC')) } scope :order_oldest_last_activity, -> { reorder(Gitlab::Database.nulls_first_order('last_activity_on', 'ASC')) } scope :by_id_and_login, ->(id, login) { where(id: id).where('username = LOWER(:login) OR email = LOWER(:login)', login: login) } def preferred_language read_attribute('preferred_language') || I18n.default_locale.to_s.presence_in(Gitlab::I18n::AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES.keys) || 'en' end def active_for_authentication? super && can?(:log_in) end # The messages for these keys are defined in `devise.en.yml` def inactive_message if blocked_pending_approval? :blocked_pending_approval elsif blocked? :blocked elsif internal? :forbidden else super end end def self.with_visible_profile(user) return with_public_profile if user.nil? if user.admin? all else with_public_profile.or(where(id: user.id)) end end # Limits the users to those that have TODOs, optionally in the given state. # # user - The user to get the todos for. # # with_todos - If we should limit the result set to users that are the # authors of todos. # # todo_state - An optional state to require the todos to be in. def self.limit_to_todo_authors(user: nil, with_todos: false, todo_state: nil) if user && with_todos where(id: Todo.where(user: user, state: todo_state).select(:author_id)) else all end end # Returns a relation that optionally includes the given user. # # user_id - The ID of the user to include. def self.union_with_user(user_id = nil) if user_id.present? # We use "unscoped" here so that any inner conditions are not repeated for # the outer query, which would be redundant. User.unscoped.from_union([all, User.unscoped.where(id: user_id)]) else all end end def self.with_two_factor with_u2f_registrations = <<-SQL EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM u2f_registrations AS u2f WHERE u2f.user_id = users.id ) OR users.otp_required_for_login = ? OR EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM webauthn_registrations AS webauthn WHERE webauthn.user_id = users.id ) SQL where(with_u2f_registrations, true) end def self.without_two_factor joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN u2f_registrations AS u2f ON u2f.user_id = users.id LEFT OUTER JOIN webauthn_registrations AS webauthn ON webauthn.user_id = users.id") .where("u2f.id IS NULL AND webauthn.id IS NULL AND users.otp_required_for_login = ?", false) end # # Class methods # class << self # Devise method overridden to allow support for dynamic password lengths def password_length Gitlab::CurrentSettings.minimum_password_length..Devise.password_length.max end # Generate a random password that conforms to the current password length settings def random_password Devise.friendly_token(password_length.max) end # Devise method overridden to allow sign in with email or username def find_for_database_authentication(warden_conditions) conditions = warden_conditions.dup if login = conditions.delete(:login) where(conditions).find_by("lower(username) = :value OR lower(email) = :value", value: login.downcase.strip) else find_by(conditions) end end def sort_by_attribute(method) order_method = method || 'id_desc' case order_method.to_s when 'recent_sign_in' then order_recent_sign_in when 'oldest_sign_in' then order_oldest_sign_in when 'last_activity_on_desc' then order_recent_last_activity when 'last_activity_on_asc' then order_oldest_last_activity else order_by(order_method) end end def for_github_id(id) joins(:identities).merge(Identity.with_extern_uid(:github, id)) end # Find a User by their primary email or any associated secondary email def find_by_any_email(email, confirmed: false) return unless email by_any_email(email, confirmed: confirmed).take end # Returns a relation containing all the users for the given email addresses # # @param emails [String, Array] email addresses to check # @param confirmed [Boolean] Only return users where the email is confirmed def by_any_email(emails, confirmed: false) emails = Array(emails).map(&:downcase) from_users = where(email: emails) from_users = from_users.confirmed if confirmed from_emails = joins(:emails).where(emails: { email: emails }) from_emails = from_emails.confirmed.merge(Email.confirmed) if confirmed items = [from_users, from_emails] user_ids = Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail.user_ids_for_emails(emails) items << where(id: user_ids) if user_ids.present? from_union(items) end def find_by_private_commit_email(email) user_id = Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail.user_id_for_email(email) find_by(id: user_id) end def filter_items(filter_name) case filter_name when 'admins' admins when 'blocked' blocked when 'blocked_pending_approval' blocked_pending_approval when 'two_factor_disabled' without_two_factor when 'two_factor_enabled' with_two_factor when 'wop' without_projects when 'external' external when 'deactivated' deactivated else active_without_ghosts end end # Searches users matching the given query. # # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL. # # query - The search query as a String # # Returns an ActiveRecord::Relation. def search(query, **options) query = query&.delete_prefix('@') return none if query.blank? query = query.downcase order = <<~SQL CASE WHEN users.name = :query THEN 0 WHEN users.username = :query THEN 1 WHEN users.email = :query THEN 2 ELSE 3 END SQL sanitized_order_sql = Arel.sql(sanitize_sql_array([order, query: query])) where( fuzzy_arel_match(:name, query, lower_exact_match: true) .or(fuzzy_arel_match(:username, query, lower_exact_match: true)) .or(arel_table[:email].eq(query)) ).reorder(sanitized_order_sql, :name) end # Limits the result set to users _not_ in the given query/list of IDs. # # users - The list of users to ignore. This can be an # `ActiveRecord::Relation`, or an Array. def where_not_in(users = nil) users ? where.not(id: users) : all end def reorder_by_name reorder(:name) end # searches user by given pattern # it compares name, email, username fields and user's secondary emails with given pattern # This method uses ILIKE on PostgreSQL. def search_with_secondary_emails(query) return none if query.blank? query = query.downcase email_table = Email.arel_table matched_by_emails_user_ids = email_table .project(email_table[:user_id]) .where(email_table[:email].eq(query)) where( fuzzy_arel_match(:name, query) .or(fuzzy_arel_match(:username, query)) .or(arel_table[:email].eq(query)) .or(arel_table[:id].in(matched_by_emails_user_ids)) ) end def by_login(login) return unless login if login.include?('@') unscoped.iwhere(email: login).take else unscoped.iwhere(username: login).take end end def find_by_username(username) by_username(username).take end def find_by_username!(username) by_username(username).take! end # Returns a user for the given SSH key. def find_by_ssh_key_id(key_id) find_by('EXISTS (?)', Key.select(1).where('keys.user_id = users.id').where(id: key_id)) end def find_by_full_path(path, follow_redirects: false) namespace = Namespace.for_user.find_by_full_path(path, follow_redirects: follow_redirects) namespace&.owner end def reference_prefix '@' end # Pattern used to extract `@user` user references from text def reference_pattern @reference_pattern ||= %r{ (?#{Gitlab::PathRegex::FULL_NAMESPACE_FORMAT_REGEX}) }x end # Return (create if necessary) the ghost user. The ghost user # owns records previously belonging to deleted users. def ghost email = 'ghost%s@example.com' unique_internal(where(user_type: :ghost), 'ghost', email) do |u| u.bio = _('This is a "Ghost User", created to hold all issues authored by users that have since been deleted. This user cannot be removed.') u.name = 'Ghost User' end end def alert_bot email_pattern = "alert%s@#{Settings.gitlab.host}" unique_internal(where(user_type: :alert_bot), 'alert-bot', email_pattern) do |u| u.bio = 'The GitLab alert bot' u.name = 'GitLab Alert Bot' u.avatar = bot_avatar(image: 'alert-bot.png') end end def migration_bot email_pattern = "noreply+gitlab-migration-bot%s@#{Settings.gitlab.host}" unique_internal(where(user_type: :migration_bot), 'migration-bot', email_pattern) do |u| u.bio = 'The GitLab migration bot' u.name = 'GitLab Migration Bot' u.confirmed_at = Time.zone.now end end def security_bot email_pattern = "security-bot%s@#{Settings.gitlab.host}" unique_internal(where(user_type: :security_bot), 'GitLab-Security-Bot', email_pattern) do |u| u.bio = 'System bot that monitors detected vulnerabilities for solutions and creates merge requests with the fixes.' u.name = 'GitLab Security Bot' u.website_url = Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers.help_page_url('user/application_security/security_bot/index.md') u.avatar = bot_avatar(image: 'security-bot.png') end end def support_bot email_pattern = "support%s@#{Settings.gitlab.host}" unique_internal(where(user_type: :support_bot), 'support-bot', email_pattern) do |u| u.bio = 'The GitLab support bot used for Service Desk' u.name = 'GitLab Support Bot' u.avatar = bot_avatar(image: 'support-bot.png') end end # Return true if there is only single non-internal user in the deployment, # ghost user is ignored. def single_user? User.non_internal.limit(2).count == 1 end def single_user User.non_internal.first if single_user? end end # # Instance methods # def full_path username end def to_param username end def to_reference(_from = nil, target_project: nil, full: nil) "#{self.class.reference_prefix}#{username}" end def skip_confirmation=(bool) skip_confirmation! if bool end def skip_reconfirmation=(bool) skip_reconfirmation! if bool end def generate_reset_token @reset_token, enc = Devise.token_generator.generate(self.class, :reset_password_token) self.reset_password_token = enc self.reset_password_sent_at = Time.current.utc @reset_token end def recently_sent_password_reset? reset_password_sent_at.present? && reset_password_sent_at >= 1.minute.ago end def remember_me! super if ::Gitlab::Database.read_write? end def forget_me! super if ::Gitlab::Database.read_write? end def disable_two_factor! transaction do update( otp_required_for_login: false, encrypted_otp_secret: nil, encrypted_otp_secret_iv: nil, encrypted_otp_secret_salt: nil, otp_grace_period_started_at: nil, otp_backup_codes: nil ) self.u2f_registrations.destroy_all # rubocop: disable Cop/DestroyAll self.webauthn_registrations.destroy_all # rubocop: disable Cop/DestroyAll end end def two_factor_enabled? two_factor_otp_enabled? || two_factor_webauthn_u2f_enabled? end def two_factor_otp_enabled? otp_required_for_login? || Feature.enabled?(:forti_authenticator, self) end def two_factor_u2f_enabled? if u2f_registrations.loaded? u2f_registrations.any? else u2f_registrations.exists? end end def two_factor_webauthn_u2f_enabled? two_factor_u2f_enabled? || two_factor_webauthn_enabled? end def two_factor_webauthn_enabled? return false unless Feature.enabled?(:webauthn) (webauthn_registrations.loaded? && webauthn_registrations.any?) || (!webauthn_registrations.loaded? && webauthn_registrations.exists?) end def namespace_move_dir_allowed if namespace&.any_project_has_container_registry_tags? errors.add(:username, _('cannot be changed if a personal project has container registry tags.')) end end # will_save_change_to_attribute? is used by Devise to check if it is necessary # to clear any existing reset_password_tokens before updating an authentication_key # and login in our case is a virtual attribute to allow login by username or email. def will_save_change_to_login? will_save_change_to_username? || will_save_change_to_email? end def unique_email if !emails.exists?(email: email) && Email.exists?(email: email) errors.add(:email, _('has already been taken')) end end def owns_notification_email return if new_record? || temp_oauth_email? errors.add(:notification_email, _("is not an email you own")) unless verified_emails.include?(notification_email) end def owns_public_email return if public_email.blank? errors.add(:public_email, _("is not an email you own")) unless verified_emails.include?(public_email) end def owns_commit_email return if read_attribute(:commit_email).blank? errors.add(:commit_email, _("is not an email you own")) unless verified_emails.include?(commit_email) end # Define commit_email-related attribute methods explicitly instead of relying # on ActiveRecord to provide them. Some of the specs use the current state of # the model code but an older database schema, so we need to guard against the # possibility of the commit_email column not existing. def commit_email return self.email unless has_attribute?(:commit_email) if super == Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail::TOKEN return private_commit_email end # The commit email is the same as the primary email if undefined super.presence || self.email end def commit_email=(email) super if has_attribute?(:commit_email) end def commit_email_changed? has_attribute?(:commit_email) && super end def private_commit_email Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail.for_user(self) end # see if the new email is already a verified secondary email def check_for_verified_email skip_reconfirmation! if emails.confirmed.where(email: self.email).any? end # Note: the use of the Emails services will cause `saves` on the user object, running # through the callbacks again and can have side effects, such as the `previous_changes` # hash and `_was` variables getting munged. # By using an `after_commit` instead of `after_update`, we avoid the recursive callback # scenario, though it then requires us to use the `previous_changes` hash # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def update_emails_with_primary_email(previous_confirmed_at, previous_email) primary_email_record = emails.find_by(email: email) Emails::DestroyService.new(self, user: self).execute(primary_email_record) if primary_email_record # the original primary email was confirmed, and we want that to carry over. We don't # have access to the original confirmation values at this point, so just set confirmed_at Emails::CreateService.new(self, user: self, email: previous_email).execute(confirmed_at: previous_confirmed_at) update_columns(confirmed_at: primary_email_record.confirmed_at) if primary_email_record&.confirmed_at end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def update_invalid_gpg_signatures gpg_keys.each(&:update_invalid_gpg_signatures) end # Returns the groups a user has access to, either through a membership or a project authorization def authorized_groups Group.unscoped do Group.from_union([ groups, authorized_projects.joins(:namespace).select('namespaces.*') ]) end end # Returns the groups a user is a member of, either directly or through a parent group def membership_groups Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(groups).base_and_descendants end # Returns a relation of groups the user has access to, including their parent # and child groups (recursively). def all_expanded_groups Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(groups).all_objects end def expanded_groups_requiring_two_factor_authentication all_expanded_groups.where(require_two_factor_authentication: true) end def source_groups_of_two_factor_authentication_requirement Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(expanded_groups_requiring_two_factor_authentication) .all_objects .where(id: groups) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def refresh_authorized_projects Users::RefreshAuthorizedProjectsService.new(self).execute end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def remove_project_authorizations(project_ids) project_authorizations.where(project_id: project_ids).delete_all end def authorized_projects(min_access_level = nil) # We're overriding an association, so explicitly call super with no # arguments or it would be passed as `force_reload` to the association projects = super() if min_access_level projects = projects .where('project_authorizations.access_level >= ?', min_access_level) end projects end def authorized_project?(project, min_access_level = nil) authorized_projects(min_access_level).exists?({ id: project.id }) end # Typically used in conjunction with projects table to get projects # a user has been given access to. # The param `related_project_column` is the column to compare to the # project_authorizations. By default is projects.id # # Example use: # `Project.where('EXISTS(?)', user.authorizations_for_projects)` def authorizations_for_projects(min_access_level: nil, related_project_column: 'projects.id') authorizations = project_authorizations .select(1) .where("project_authorizations.project_id = #{related_project_column}") return authorizations unless min_access_level.present? authorizations.where('project_authorizations.access_level >= ?', min_access_level) end # Returns the projects this user has reporter (or greater) access to, limited # to at most the given projects. # # This method is useful when you have a list of projects and want to # efficiently check to which of these projects the user has at least reporter # access. def projects_with_reporter_access_limited_to(projects) authorized_projects(Gitlab::Access::REPORTER).where(id: projects) end def owned_projects @owned_projects ||= Project.from_union( [ Project.where(namespace: namespace), Project.joins(:project_authorizations) .where("projects.namespace_id <> ?", namespace.id) .where(project_authorizations: { user_id: id, access_level: Gitlab::Access::OWNER }) ], remove_duplicates: false ) end # Returns projects which user can admin issues on (for example to move an issue to that project). # # This logic is duplicated from `Ability#project_abilities` into a SQL form. def projects_where_can_admin_issues authorized_projects(Gitlab::Access::REPORTER).non_archived.with_issues_enabled end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def require_ssh_key? count = Users::KeysCountService.new(self).count count == 0 && Gitlab::ProtocolAccess.allowed?('ssh') end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def require_password_creation_for_web? allow_password_authentication_for_web? && password_automatically_set? end def require_password_creation_for_git? allow_password_authentication_for_git? && password_automatically_set? end def require_personal_access_token_creation_for_git_auth? return false if allow_password_authentication_for_git? || ldap_user? PersonalAccessTokensFinder.new(user: self, impersonation: false, state: 'active').execute.none? end def require_extra_setup_for_git_auth? require_password_creation_for_git? || require_personal_access_token_creation_for_git_auth? end def allow_password_authentication? allow_password_authentication_for_web? || allow_password_authentication_for_git? end def allow_password_authentication_for_web? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.password_authentication_enabled_for_web? && !ldap_user? end def allow_password_authentication_for_git? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.password_authentication_enabled_for_git? && !ldap_user? end def can_change_username? gitlab_config.username_changing_enabled end def can_create_project? projects_limit_left > 0 end def can_create_group? can?(:create_group) end def can_select_namespace? several_namespaces? || admin end def can?(action, subject = :global) Ability.allowed?(self, action, subject) end def confirm_deletion_with_password? !password_automatically_set? && allow_password_authentication? end def first_name read_attribute(:first_name) || begin name.split(' ').first unless name.blank? end end def last_name read_attribute(:last_name) || begin name.split(' ').drop(1).join(' ') unless name.blank? end end def projects_limit_left projects_limit - personal_projects_count end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def recent_push(project = nil) service = Users::LastPushEventService.new(self) if project service.last_event_for_project(project) else service.last_event_for_user end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def several_namespaces? union_sql = ::Gitlab::SQL::Union.new( [owned_groups, maintainers_groups, groups_with_developer_maintainer_project_access]).to_sql ::Group.from("(#{union_sql}) #{::Group.table_name}").any? end def namespace_id namespace.try :id end def name_with_username "#{name} (#{username})" end def already_forked?(project) !!fork_of(project) end def fork_of(project) namespace.find_fork_of(project) end def ldap_user? if identities.loaded? identities.find { |identity| Gitlab::Auth::OAuth::Provider.ldap_provider?(identity.provider) && !identity.extern_uid.nil? } else identities.exists?(["provider LIKE ? AND extern_uid IS NOT NULL", "ldap%"]) end end def ldap_identity @ldap_identity ||= identities.find_by(["provider LIKE ?", "ldap%"]) end def matches_identity?(provider, extern_uid) identities.where(provider: provider, extern_uid: extern_uid).exists? end def project_deploy_keys @project_deploy_keys ||= DeployKey.in_projects(authorized_projects.select(:id)).distinct(:id) end def highest_role user_highest_role&.highest_access_level || Gitlab::Access::NO_ACCESS end def accessible_deploy_keys DeployKey.from_union([ DeployKey.where(id: project_deploy_keys.select(:deploy_key_id)), DeployKey.are_public ]) end def created_by User.find_by(id: created_by_id) if created_by_id end def sanitize_attrs %i[skype linkedin twitter].each do |attr| value = self[attr] self[attr] = Sanitize.clean(value) if value.present? end end def set_notification_email if notification_email.blank? || all_emails.exclude?(notification_email) self.notification_email = email end end def set_public_email if public_email.blank? || all_emails.exclude?(public_email) self.public_email = '' end end def set_commit_email if commit_email.blank? || verified_emails.exclude?(commit_email) self.commit_email = nil end end def update_secondary_emails! set_notification_email set_public_email set_commit_email save if notification_email_changed? || public_email_changed? || commit_email_changed? end def set_projects_limit # `User.select(:id)` raises # `ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: projects_limit` # without this safeguard! return unless has_attribute?(:projects_limit) && projects_limit.nil? self.projects_limit = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_projects_limit end def requires_ldap_check? if !Gitlab.config.ldap.enabled false elsif ldap_user? !last_credential_check_at || (last_credential_check_at + ldap_sync_time) < Time.current else false end end def ldap_sync_time # This number resides in this method so it can be redefined in EE. 1.hour end def try_obtain_ldap_lease # After obtaining this lease LDAP checks will be blocked for 600 seconds # (10 minutes) for this user. lease = Gitlab::ExclusiveLease.new("user_ldap_check:#{id}", timeout: 600) lease.try_obtain end def solo_owned_groups @solo_owned_groups ||= owned_groups.select do |group| group.owners == [self] end end def with_defaults User.defaults.each do |k, v| public_send("#{k}=", v) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end self end def can_leave_project?(project) project.namespace != namespace && project.project_member(self) end def full_website_url return "http://#{website_url}" if website_url !~ %r{\Ahttps?://} website_url end def short_website_url website_url.sub(%r{\Ahttps?://}, '') end def all_ssh_keys keys.map(&:publishable_key) end def temp_oauth_email? email.start_with?('temp-email-for-oauth') end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def avatar_url(size: nil, scale: 2, **args) GravatarService.new.execute(email, size, scale, username: username) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def primary_email_verified? confirmed? && !temp_oauth_email? end def accept_pending_invitations! pending_invitations.select do |member| member.accept_invite!(self) end end def pending_invitations Member.where(invite_email: verified_emails).invite end def all_emails(include_private_email: true) all_emails = [] all_emails << email unless temp_oauth_email? all_emails << private_commit_email if include_private_email all_emails.concat(emails.map(&:email)) all_emails end def verified_emails(include_private_email: true) verified_emails = [] verified_emails << email if primary_email_verified? verified_emails << private_commit_email if include_private_email verified_emails.concat(emails.confirmed.pluck(:email)) verified_emails end def public_verified_emails emails = verified_emails(include_private_email: false) emails << email unless temp_oauth_email? emails.uniq end def any_email?(check_email) downcased = check_email.downcase # handle the outdated private commit email case return true if persisted? && id == Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail.user_id_for_email(downcased) all_emails.include?(check_email.downcase) end def verified_email?(check_email) downcased = check_email.downcase # handle the outdated private commit email case return true if persisted? && id == Gitlab::PrivateCommitEmail.user_id_for_email(downcased) verified_emails.include?(check_email.downcase) end def hook_attrs { name: name, username: username, avatar_url: avatar_url(only_path: false), email: email } end def ensure_namespace_correct if namespace namespace.path = username if username_changed? namespace.name = name if name_changed? else namespace = build_namespace(path: username, name: name) namespace.build_namespace_settings end end def set_username_errors namespace_path_errors = self.errors.delete(:"namespace.path") self.errors[:username].concat(namespace_path_errors) if namespace_path_errors end def username_changed_hook system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(self, :rename) end def post_destroy_hook log_info("User \"#{name}\" (#{email}) was removed") system_hook_service.execute_hooks_for(self, :destroy) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def remove_key_cache Users::KeysCountService.new(self).delete_cache end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def delete_async(deleted_by:, params: {}) block if params[:hard_delete] DeleteUserWorker.perform_async(deleted_by.id, id, params.to_h) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def notification_service NotificationService.new end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def log_info(message) Gitlab::AppLogger.info message end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def system_hook_service SystemHooksService.new end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def starred?(project) starred_projects.exists?(project.id) end def toggle_star(project) UsersStarProject.transaction do user_star_project = users_star_projects .where(project: project, user: self).lock(true).first if user_star_project user_star_project.destroy else UsersStarProject.create!(project: project, user: self) end end end def manageable_namespaces @manageable_namespaces ||= [namespace] + manageable_groups end def manageable_groups(include_groups_with_developer_maintainer_access: false) owned_and_maintainer_group_hierarchy = Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(owned_or_maintainers_groups).base_and_descendants if include_groups_with_developer_maintainer_access union_sql = ::Gitlab::SQL::Union.new( [owned_and_maintainer_group_hierarchy, groups_with_developer_maintainer_project_access]).to_sql ::Group.from("(#{union_sql}) #{::Group.table_name}") else owned_and_maintainer_group_hierarchy end end def manageable_groups_with_routes(include_groups_with_developer_maintainer_access: false) manageable_groups(include_groups_with_developer_maintainer_access: include_groups_with_developer_maintainer_access) .eager_load(:route) .order('routes.path') end def namespaces namespace_ids = groups.pluck(:id) namespace_ids.push(namespace.id) Namespace.where(id: namespace_ids) end def oauth_authorized_tokens Doorkeeper::AccessToken.where(resource_owner_id: id, revoked_at: nil) end # Returns the projects a user contributed to in the last year. # # This method relies on a subquery as this performs significantly better # compared to a JOIN when coupled with, for example, # `Project.visible_to_user`. That is, consider the following code: # # some_user.contributed_projects.visible_to_user(other_user) # # If this method were to use a JOIN the resulting query would take roughly 200 # ms on a database with a similar size to GitLab.com's database. On the other # hand, using a subquery means we can get the exact same data in about 40 ms. def contributed_projects events = Event.select(:project_id) .contributions.where(author_id: self) .where("created_at > ?", Time.current - 1.year) .distinct .reorder(nil) Project.where(id: events) end def can_be_removed? !solo_owned_groups.present? end def ci_owned_runners @ci_owned_runners ||= begin project_runners = Ci::RunnerProject .where(project: authorized_projects(Gitlab::Access::MAINTAINER)) .joins(:runner) .select('ci_runners.*') group_runners = Ci::RunnerNamespace .where(namespace_id: Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(owned_groups).base_and_descendants.select(:id)) .joins(:runner) .select('ci_runners.*') Ci::Runner.from_union([project_runners, group_runners]) end end def notification_email_for(notification_group) # Return group-specific email address if present, otherwise return global notification email address notification_group&.notification_email_for(self) || notification_email end def notification_settings_for(source, inherit: false) if notification_settings.loaded? notification_settings.find do |notification| notification.source_type == source.class.base_class.name && notification.source_id == source.id end else notification_settings.find_or_initialize_by(source: source) do |ns| next unless source.is_a?(Group) && inherit # If we're here it means we're trying to create a NotificationSetting for a group that doesn't have one. # Find the closest parent with a notification_setting that's not Global level, or that has an email set. ancestor_ns = source .notification_settings(hierarchy_order: :asc) .where(user: self) .find_by('level != ? OR notification_email IS NOT NULL', NotificationSetting.levels[:global]) # Use it to seed the settings ns.assign_attributes(ancestor_ns&.slice(*NotificationSetting.allowed_fields)) ns.source = source ns.user = self end end end def notification_settings_for_groups(groups) ids = groups.is_a?(ActiveRecord::Relation) ? groups.select(:id) : groups.map(&:id) notification_settings.for_groups.where(source_id: ids) end # Lazy load global notification setting # Initializes User setting with Participating level if setting not persisted def global_notification_setting return @global_notification_setting if defined?(@global_notification_setting) @global_notification_setting = notification_settings.find_or_initialize_by(source: nil) @global_notification_setting.update(level: NotificationSetting.levels[DEFAULT_NOTIFICATION_LEVEL]) unless @global_notification_setting.persisted? @global_notification_setting end def assigned_open_merge_requests_count(force: false) Rails.cache.fetch(['users', id, 'assigned_open_merge_requests_count'], force: force, expires_in: 20.minutes) do MergeRequestsFinder.new(self, assignee_id: self.id, state: 'opened', non_archived: true).execute.count end end def assigned_open_issues_count(force: false) Rails.cache.fetch(['users', id, 'assigned_open_issues_count'], force: force, expires_in: 20.minutes) do IssuesFinder.new(self, assignee_id: self.id, state: 'opened', non_archived: true).execute.count end end def todos_done_count(force: false) Rails.cache.fetch(['users', id, 'todos_done_count'], force: force, expires_in: 20.minutes) do TodosFinder.new(self, state: :done).execute.count end end def todos_pending_count(force: false) Rails.cache.fetch(['users', id, 'todos_pending_count'], force: force, expires_in: 20.minutes) do TodosFinder.new(self, state: :pending).execute.count end end def personal_projects_count(force: false) Rails.cache.fetch(['users', id, 'personal_projects_count'], force: force, expires_in: 24.hours, raw: true) do personal_projects.count end.to_i end def update_todos_count_cache todos_done_count(force: true) todos_pending_count(force: true) end def invalidate_cache_counts invalidate_issue_cache_counts invalidate_merge_request_cache_counts invalidate_todos_done_count invalidate_todos_pending_count invalidate_personal_projects_count end def invalidate_issue_cache_counts Rails.cache.delete(['users', id, 'assigned_open_issues_count']) end def invalidate_merge_request_cache_counts Rails.cache.delete(['users', id, 'assigned_open_merge_requests_count']) end def invalidate_todos_done_count Rails.cache.delete(['users', id, 'todos_done_count']) end def invalidate_todos_pending_count Rails.cache.delete(['users', id, 'todos_pending_count']) end def invalidate_personal_projects_count Rails.cache.delete(['users', id, 'personal_projects_count']) end # This is copied from Devise::Models::Lockable#valid_for_authentication?, as our auth # flow means we don't call that automatically (and can't conveniently do so). # # See: # # # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def increment_failed_attempts! return if ::Gitlab::Database.read_only? increment_failed_attempts if attempts_exceeded? lock_access! unless access_locked? else Users::UpdateService.new(self, user: self).execute(validate: false) end end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ServiceClass def access_level if admin? :admin else :regular end end def access_level=(new_level) new_level = new_level.to_s return unless %w(admin regular).include?(new_level) self.admin = (new_level == 'admin') end def can_read_all_resources? can?(:read_all_resources) end def update_two_factor_requirement periods = expanded_groups_requiring_two_factor_authentication.pluck(:two_factor_grace_period) self.require_two_factor_authentication_from_group = periods.any? self.two_factor_grace_period = periods.min || User.column_defaults['two_factor_grace_period'] save end # each existing user needs to have an `feed_token`. # we do this on read since migrating all existing users is not a feasible # solution. def feed_token ensure_feed_token! end # Each existing user needs to have a `static_object_token`. # We do this on read since migrating all existing users is not a feasible # solution. def static_object_token ensure_static_object_token! end def sync_attribute?(attribute) return true if ldap_user? && attribute == :email attributes = Gitlab.config.omniauth.sync_profile_attributes if attributes.is_a?(Array) attributes.include?(attribute.to_s) else attributes end end def read_only_attribute?(attribute) user_synced_attributes_metadata&.read_only?(attribute) end # override, from Devise def lock_access! Gitlab::AppLogger.info("Account Locked: username=#{username}") super end # Determine the maximum access level for a group of projects in bulk. # # Returns a Hash mapping project ID -> maximum access level. def max_member_access_for_project_ids(project_ids) max_member_access_for_resource_ids(Project, project_ids) do |project_ids| project_authorizations.where(project: project_ids) .group(:project_id) .maximum(:access_level) end end def max_member_access_for_project(project_id) max_member_access_for_project_ids([project_id])[project_id] end # Determine the maximum access level for a group of groups in bulk. # # Returns a Hash mapping project ID -> maximum access level. def max_member_access_for_group_ids(group_ids) max_member_access_for_resource_ids(Group, group_ids) do |group_ids| group_members.where(source: group_ids).group(:source_id).maximum(:access_level) end end def max_member_access_for_group(group_id) max_member_access_for_group_ids([group_id])[group_id] end def terms_accepted? return true if project_bot? accepted_term_id.present? end def required_terms_not_accepted? Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings.enforce_terms? && !terms_accepted? end def requires_usage_stats_consent? self.admin? && 7.days.ago > self.created_at && !has_current_license? && User.single_user? && !consented_usage_stats? end # Avoid migrations only building user preference object when needed. def user_preference super.presence || build_user_preference end def user_detail super.presence || build_user_detail end def pending_todo_for(target) todos.find_by(target: target, state: :pending) end def password_expired? !!(password_expires_at && password_expires_at < Time.current) end def can_be_deactivated? active? && no_recent_activity? && !internal? end def last_active_at last_activity = last_activity_on&.to_time&.in_time_zone last_sign_in = current_sign_in_at [last_activity, last_sign_in].compact.max end REQUIRES_ROLE_VALUE = 99 def role_required? role_before_type_cast == REQUIRES_ROLE_VALUE end def set_role_required! update_column(:role, REQUIRES_ROLE_VALUE) end def dismissed_callout?(feature_name:, ignore_dismissal_earlier_than: nil) callouts = self.callouts.with_feature_name(feature_name) callouts = callouts.with_dismissed_after(ignore_dismissal_earlier_than) if ignore_dismissal_earlier_than callouts.any? end # Load the current highest access by looking directly at the user's memberships def current_highest_access_level members.non_request.maximum(:access_level) end def confirmation_required_on_sign_in? !confirmed? && !confirmation_period_valid? end def impersonated? impersonator.present? end def created_recently? created_at > Devise.confirm_within.ago end protected # override, from Devise::Validatable def password_required? return false if internal? || project_bot? super end # override from Devise::Confirmable def confirmation_period_valid? return false if Feature.disabled?(:soft_email_confirmation) super end # This is copied from Devise::Models::TwoFactorAuthenticatable#consume_otp! # # An OTP cannot be used more than once in a given timestep # Storing timestep of last valid OTP is sufficient to satisfy this requirement # # See: # # def consume_otp! if self.consumed_timestep != current_otp_timestep self.consumed_timestep = current_otp_timestep return Gitlab::Database.read_only? ? true : save(validate: false) end false end private def default_private_profile_to_false return unless private_profile_changed? && private_profile.nil? self.private_profile = false end def has_current_license? false end def consented_usage_stats? # Bypass the cache here because it's possible the admin enabled the # usage ping, and we don't want to annoy the user again if they # already set the value. This is a bit of hack, but the alternative # would be to put in a more complex cache invalidation step. Since # this call only gets called in the uncommon situation where the # user is an admin and the only user in the instance, this shouldn't # cause too much load on the system. ApplicationSetting.current_without_cache&.usage_stats_set_by_user_id == self.id end def ensure_user_rights_and_limits if external? self.can_create_group = false self.projects_limit = 0 else # Only revert these back to the default if they weren't specifically changed in this update. self.can_create_group = gitlab_config.default_can_create_group unless can_create_group_changed? self.projects_limit = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_projects_limit unless projects_limit_changed? end end def signup_domain_valid? valid = true error = nil if Gitlab::CurrentSettings.domain_blacklist_enabled? blocked_domains = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.domain_blacklist if domain_matches?(blocked_domains, email) error = 'is not from an allowed domain.' valid = false end end allowed_domains = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.domain_whitelist unless allowed_domains.blank? if domain_matches?(allowed_domains, email) valid = true else error = "domain is not authorized for sign-up" valid = false end end errors.add(:email, error) unless valid valid end def domain_matches?(email_domains, email) signup_domain = Mail::Address.new(email).domain email_domains.any? do |domain| escaped = Regexp.escape(domain).gsub('\*', '.*?') regexp = Regexp.new "^#{escaped}$", Regexp::IGNORECASE signup_domain =~ regexp end end def check_email_restrictions return unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.email_restrictions_enabled? restrictions = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.email_restrictions return if restrictions.blank? if Gitlab::UntrustedRegexp.new(restrictions).match?(email) errors.add(:email, _('is not allowed. Try again with a different email address, or contact your GitLab admin.')) end end def groups_with_developer_maintainer_project_access project_creation_levels = [::Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER_MAINTAINER_PROJECT_ACCESS] if ::Gitlab::CurrentSettings.default_project_creation == ::Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER_MAINTAINER_PROJECT_ACCESS project_creation_levels << nil end developer_groups_hierarchy = ::Gitlab::ObjectHierarchy.new(developer_groups).base_and_descendants ::Group.where(id: developer_groups_hierarchy.select(:id), project_creation_level: project_creation_levels) end def no_recent_activity? last_active_at.to_i <= MINIMUM_INACTIVE_DAYS.days.ago.to_i end def update_highest_role? return false unless persisted? (previous_changes.keys & %w(state user_type)).any? end def update_highest_role_attribute id end end User.prepend_if_ee('EE::User')