# NotificationService class # # Used for notifying users with emails about different events # # Ex. # NotificationService.new.new_issue(issue, current_user) # class NotificationService # Always notify user about ssh key added # only if ssh key is not deploy key # # This is security email so it will be sent # even if user disabled notifications def new_key(key) if key.user mailer.new_ssh_key_email(key.id).deliver_later end end # Always notify user about email added to profile def new_email(email) if email.user mailer.new_email_email(email.id).deliver_later end end # When create an issue we should send an email to: # # * issue assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * project team members with notification level higher then Participating # * watchers of the issue's labels # * users with custom level checked with "new issue" # def new_issue(issue, current_user) new_resource_email(issue, issue.project, :new_issue_email) end # When issue text is updated, we should send an email to: # # * newly mentioned project team members with notification level higher than Participating # def new_mentions_in_issue(issue, new_mentioned_users, current_user) new_mentions_in_resource_email( issue, issue.project, new_mentioned_users, current_user, :new_mention_in_issue_email ) end # When we close an issue we should send an email to: # # * issue author if their notification level is not Disabled # * issue assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * project team members with notification level higher then Participating # * users with custom level checked with "close issue" # def close_issue(issue, current_user) close_resource_email(issue, issue.project, current_user, :closed_issue_email) end # When we reassign an issue we should send an email to: # # * issue old assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * issue new assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * users with custom level checked with "reassign issue" # def reassigned_issue(issue, current_user) reassign_resource_email(issue, issue.project, current_user, :reassigned_issue_email) end # When we add labels to an issue we should send an email to: # # * watchers of the issue's labels # def relabeled_issue(issue, added_labels, current_user) relabeled_resource_email(issue, issue.project, added_labels, current_user, :relabeled_issue_email) end # When create a merge request we should send an email to: # # * mr assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * project team members with notification level higher then Participating # * watchers of the mr's labels # * users with custom level checked with "new merge request" # def new_merge_request(merge_request, current_user) new_resource_email(merge_request, merge_request.target_project, :new_merge_request_email) end # When merge request text is updated, we should send an email to: # # * newly mentioned project team members with notification level higher than Participating # def new_mentions_in_merge_request(merge_request, new_mentioned_users, current_user) new_mentions_in_resource_email( merge_request, merge_request.target_project, new_mentioned_users, current_user, :new_mention_in_merge_request_email ) end # When we reassign a merge_request we should send an email to: # # * merge_request old assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * merge_request assignee if their notification level is not Disabled # * users with custom level checked with "reassign merge request" # def reassigned_merge_request(merge_request, current_user) reassign_resource_email(merge_request, merge_request.target_project, current_user, :reassigned_merge_request_email) end # When we add labels to a merge request we should send an email to: # # * watchers of the mr's labels # def relabeled_merge_request(merge_request, added_labels, current_user) relabeled_resource_email(merge_request, merge_request.target_project, added_labels, current_user, :relabeled_merge_request_email) end def close_mr(merge_request, current_user) close_resource_email(merge_request, merge_request.target_project, current_user, :closed_merge_request_email) end def reopen_issue(issue, current_user) reopen_resource_email(issue, issue.project, current_user, :issue_status_changed_email, 'reopened') end def merge_mr(merge_request, current_user) close_resource_email( merge_request, merge_request.target_project, current_user, :merged_merge_request_email, skip_current_user: !merge_request.merge_when_pipeline_succeeds? ) end def reopen_mr(merge_request, current_user) reopen_resource_email( merge_request, merge_request.target_project, current_user, :merge_request_status_email, 'reopened' ) end def resolve_all_discussions(merge_request, current_user) recipients = build_recipients(merge_request, merge_request.target_project, current_user, action: "resolve_all_discussions") recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.resolved_all_discussions_email(recipient.id, merge_request.id, current_user.id).deliver_later end end # Notify new user with email after creation def new_user(user, token = nil) # Don't email omniauth created users mailer.new_user_email(user.id, token).deliver_later unless user.identities.any? end # Notify users on new note in system # # TODO: split on methods and refactor # def new_note(note) return true unless note.noteable_type.present? # ignore gitlab service messages return true if note.cross_reference? && note.system? target = note.noteable recipients = [] mentioned_users = note.mentioned_users ability, subject = if note.for_personal_snippet? [:read_personal_snippet, note.noteable] else [:read_project, note.project] end mentioned_users.select! do |user| user.can?(ability, subject) end # Add all users participating in the thread (author, assignee, comment authors) participants = if target.respond_to?(:participants) target.participants(note.author) else mentioned_users end recipients = recipients.concat(participants) unless note.for_personal_snippet? # Merge project watchers recipients = add_project_watchers(recipients, note.project) # Merge project with custom notification recipients = add_custom_notifications(recipients, note.project, :new_note) end # Reject users with Mention notification level, except those mentioned in _this_ note. recipients = reject_mention_users(recipients - mentioned_users, note.project) recipients = recipients + mentioned_users recipients = reject_muted_users(recipients, note.project) recipients = add_subscribed_users(recipients, note.project, note.noteable) recipients = reject_unsubscribed_users(recipients, note.noteable) recipients = reject_users_without_access(recipients, note.noteable) recipients.delete(note.author) unless note.author.notified_of_own_activity? recipients = recipients.uniq notify_method = "note_#{note.to_ability_name}_email".to_sym recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send(notify_method, recipient.id, note.id).deliver_later end end # Members def new_access_request(member) mailer.member_access_requested_email(member.real_source_type, member.id).deliver_later end def decline_access_request(member) mailer.member_access_denied_email(member.real_source_type, member.source_id, member.user_id).deliver_later end # Project invite def invite_project_member(project_member, token) mailer.member_invited_email(project_member.real_source_type, project_member.id, token).deliver_later end def accept_project_invite(project_member) mailer.member_invite_accepted_email(project_member.real_source_type, project_member.id).deliver_later end def decline_project_invite(project_member) mailer.member_invite_declined_email( project_member.real_source_type, project_member.project.id, project_member.invite_email, project_member.created_by_id ).deliver_later end def new_project_member(project_member) mailer.member_access_granted_email(project_member.real_source_type, project_member.id).deliver_later end def update_project_member(project_member) mailer.member_access_granted_email(project_member.real_source_type, project_member.id).deliver_later end # Group invite def invite_group_member(group_member, token) mailer.member_invited_email(group_member.real_source_type, group_member.id, token).deliver_later end def accept_group_invite(group_member) mailer.member_invite_accepted_email(group_member.real_source_type, group_member.id).deliver_later end def decline_group_invite(group_member) mailer.member_invite_declined_email( group_member.real_source_type, group_member.group.id, group_member.invite_email, group_member.created_by_id ).deliver_later end def new_group_member(group_member) mailer.member_access_granted_email(group_member.real_source_type, group_member.id).deliver_later end def update_group_member(group_member) mailer.member_access_granted_email(group_member.real_source_type, group_member.id).deliver_later end def project_was_moved(project, old_path_with_namespace) recipients = project.team.members recipients = reject_muted_users(recipients, project) recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.project_was_moved_email( project.id, recipient.id, old_path_with_namespace ).deliver_later end end def issue_moved(issue, new_issue, current_user) recipients = build_recipients(issue, issue.project, current_user) recipients.map do |recipient| email = mailer.issue_moved_email(recipient, issue, new_issue, current_user) email.deliver_later email end end def project_exported(project, current_user) mailer.project_was_exported_email(current_user, project).deliver_later end def project_not_exported(project, current_user, errors) mailer.project_was_not_exported_email(current_user, project, errors).deliver_later end def pipeline_finished(pipeline, recipients = nil) email_template = "pipeline_#{pipeline.status}_email" return unless mailer.respond_to?(email_template) recipients ||= build_recipients( pipeline, pipeline.project, pipeline.user, action: pipeline.status, skip_current_user: false).map(&:notification_email) if recipients.any? mailer.public_send(email_template, pipeline, recipients).deliver_later end end protected # Get project/group users with CUSTOM notification level def add_custom_notifications(recipients, project, action) user_ids = [] # Users with a notification setting on group or project user_ids += notification_settings_for(project, :custom, action) user_ids += notification_settings_for(project.group, :custom, action) # Users with global level custom users_with_project_level_global = notification_settings_for(project, :global) users_with_group_level_global = notification_settings_for(project.group, :global) global_users_ids = users_with_project_level_global.concat(users_with_group_level_global) user_ids += users_with_global_level_custom(global_users_ids, action) recipients.concat(User.find(user_ids)) end # Get project users with WATCH notification level def project_watchers(project) project_members = notification_settings_for(project) users_with_project_level_global = notification_settings_for(project, :global) users_with_group_level_global = notification_settings_for(project.group, :global) users = users_with_global_level_watch([users_with_project_level_global, users_with_group_level_global].flatten.uniq) users_with_project_setting = select_project_member_setting(project, users_with_project_level_global, users) users_with_group_setting = select_group_member_setting(project.group, project_members, users_with_group_level_global, users) User.where(id: users_with_project_setting.concat(users_with_group_setting).uniq).to_a end def notification_settings_for(resource, notification_level = nil, action = nil) return [] unless resource if notification_level settings = resource.notification_settings.where(level: NotificationSetting.levels[notification_level]) settings = settings.select { |setting| setting.events[action] } if action.present? settings.map(&:user_id) else resource.notification_settings.pluck(:user_id) end end def users_with_global_level_watch(ids) settings_with_global_level_of(:watch, ids).pluck(:user_id) end def users_with_global_level_custom(ids, action) settings = settings_with_global_level_of(:custom, ids) settings = settings.select { |setting| setting.events[action] } settings.map(&:user_id) end def settings_with_global_level_of(level, ids) NotificationSetting.where( user_id: ids, source_type: nil, level: NotificationSetting.levels[level] ) end # Build a list of users based on project notification settings def select_project_member_setting(project, global_setting, users_global_level_watch) users = notification_settings_for(project, :watch) # If project setting is global, add to watch list if global setting is watch global_setting.each do |user_id| if users_global_level_watch.include?(user_id) users << user_id end end users end # Build a list of users based on group notification settings def select_group_member_setting(group, project_members, global_setting, users_global_level_watch) uids = notification_settings_for(group, :watch) # Group setting is watch, add to users list if user is not project member users = [] uids.each do |user_id| if project_members.exclude?(user_id) users << user_id end end # Group setting is global, add to users list if global setting is watch global_setting.each do |user_id| if project_members.exclude?(user_id) && users_global_level_watch.include?(user_id) users << user_id end end users end def add_project_watchers(recipients, project) recipients.concat(project_watchers(project)).compact end # Remove users with disabled notifications from array # Also remove duplications and nil recipients def reject_muted_users(users, project = nil) reject_users(users, :disabled, project) end # Remove users with notification level 'Mentioned' def reject_mention_users(users, project = nil) reject_users(users, :mention, project) end # Reject users which has certain notification level # # Example: # reject_users(users, :watch, project) # def reject_users(users, level, project = nil) level = level.to_s unless NotificationSetting.levels.keys.include?(level) raise 'Invalid notification level' end users = users.to_a.compact.uniq users = users.select { |u| u.can?(:receive_notifications) } users.reject do |user| global_notification_setting = user.global_notification_setting next global_notification_setting.level == level unless project setting = user.notification_settings_for(project) if project.group && (setting.nil? || setting.global?) setting = user.notification_settings_for(project.group) end # reject users who globally set mention notification and has no setting per project/group next global_notification_setting.level == level unless setting # reject users who set mention notification in project next true if setting.level == level # reject users who have mention level in project and disabled in global settings setting.global? && global_notification_setting.level == level end end def reject_unsubscribed_users(recipients, target) return recipients unless target.respond_to? :subscriptions recipients.reject do |user| subscription = target.subscriptions.find_by_user_id(user.id) subscription && !subscription.subscribed end end def reject_users_without_access(recipients, target) ability = case target when Issuable :"read_#{target.to_ability_name}" when Ci::Pipeline :read_build # We have build trace in pipeline emails end return recipients unless ability recipients.select do |user| user.can?(ability, target) end end def add_subscribed_users(recipients, project, target) return recipients unless target.respond_to? :subscribers recipients + target.subscribers(project) end def add_labels_subscribers(recipients, project, target, labels: nil) return recipients unless target.respond_to? :labels (labels || target.labels).each do |label| recipients += label.subscribers(project) end recipients end def new_resource_email(target, project, method) recipients = build_recipients(target, project, target.author, action: "new") recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send(method, recipient.id, target.id).deliver_later end end def new_mentions_in_resource_email(target, project, new_mentioned_users, current_user, method) recipients = build_recipients(target, project, current_user, action: "new") recipients = recipients & new_mentioned_users recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send(method, recipient.id, target.id, current_user.id).deliver_later end end def close_resource_email(target, project, current_user, method, skip_current_user: true) action = method == :merged_merge_request_email ? "merge" : "close" recipients = build_recipients( target, project, current_user, action: action, skip_current_user: skip_current_user ) recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send(method, recipient.id, target.id, current_user.id).deliver_later end end def reassign_resource_email(target, project, current_user, method) previous_assignee_id = previous_record(target, 'assignee_id') previous_assignee = User.find_by(id: previous_assignee_id) if previous_assignee_id recipients = build_recipients(target, project, current_user, action: "reassign", previous_assignee: previous_assignee) recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send( method, recipient.id, target.id, previous_assignee_id, current_user.id ).deliver_later end end def relabeled_resource_email(target, project, labels, current_user, method) recipients = build_relabeled_recipients(target, project, current_user, labels: labels) label_names = labels.map(&:name) recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send(method, recipient.id, target.id, label_names, current_user.id).deliver_later end end def reopen_resource_email(target, project, current_user, method, status) recipients = build_recipients(target, project, current_user, action: "reopen") recipients.each do |recipient| mailer.send(method, recipient.id, target.id, status, current_user.id).deliver_later end end def build_recipients(target, project, current_user, action: nil, previous_assignee: nil, skip_current_user: true) custom_action = build_custom_key(action, target) recipients = target.participants(current_user) unless NotificationSetting::EXCLUDED_WATCHER_EVENTS.include?(custom_action) recipients = add_project_watchers(recipients, project) end recipients = add_custom_notifications(recipients, project, custom_action) recipients = reject_mention_users(recipients, project) recipients = recipients.uniq # Re-assign is considered as a mention of the new assignee so we add the # new assignee to the list of recipients after we rejected users with # the "on mention" notification level if [:reassign_merge_request, :reassign_issue].include?(custom_action) recipients << previous_assignee if previous_assignee recipients << target.assignee end recipients = reject_muted_users(recipients, project) recipients = add_subscribed_users(recipients, project, target) if [:new_issue, :new_merge_request].include?(custom_action) recipients = add_labels_subscribers(recipients, project, target) end recipients = reject_unsubscribed_users(recipients, target) recipients = reject_users_without_access(recipients, target) recipients.delete(current_user) if skip_current_user && !current_user.notified_of_own_activity? recipients.uniq end def build_relabeled_recipients(target, project, current_user, labels:) recipients = add_labels_subscribers([], project, target, labels: labels) recipients = reject_unsubscribed_users(recipients, target) recipients = reject_users_without_access(recipients, target) recipients.delete(current_user) unless current_user.notified_of_own_activity? recipients.uniq end def mailer Notify end def previous_record(object, attribute) if object && attribute if object.previous_changes.include?(attribute) object.previous_changes[attribute].first end end end # Build event key to search on custom notification level # Check NotificationSetting::EMAIL_EVENTS def build_custom_key(action, object) "#{action}_#{object.class.model_name.name.underscore}".to_sym end end