# frozen_string_literal: true class FeatureFlagUserXidsValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator USERXID_MAX_LENGTH = 256 def validate_each(record, attribute, value) self.class.validate_user_xids(record, attribute, value, attribute) end class << self def validate_user_xids(record, attribute, user_xids, error_message_attribute_name) unless user_xids.is_a?(String) && !user_xids.match(/[\n\r\t]|,,/) && valid_xids?(user_xids.split(",")) record.errors.add(attribute, "#{error_message_attribute_name} must be a string of unique comma separated values each #{USERXID_MAX_LENGTH} characters or less") end end private def valid_xids?(user_xids) user_xids.uniq.length == user_xids.length && user_xids.all? { |xid| valid_xid?(xid) } end def valid_xid?(user_xid) user_xid.present? && user_xid.strip == user_xid && user_xid.length <= USERXID_MAX_LENGTH end end end