%section.settings.as-default-branch-name.no-animate#js-default-branch-name{ class: ('expanded' if expanded_by_default?) } .settings-header %h4 = _('Default initial branch name') %button.gl-button.js-settings-toggle{ type: 'button' } = expanded_by_default? ? _('Collapse') : _('Expand') %p = _('Set the default name of the initial branch when creating new repositories through the user interface.') .settings-content = form_for @group, url: group_path(@group, anchor: 'js-default-branch-name'), html: { class: 'fieldset-form' } do |f| = form_errors(@group) - fallback_branch_name = 'master' %fieldset .form-group = f.label :default_branch_name, _('Default initial branch name'), class: 'label-light' = f.text_field :default_branch_name, value: group.namespace_settings&.default_branch_name, placeholder: 'master', class: 'form-control' %span.form-text.text-muted = (_("Changes affect new repositories only. If not specified, either the configured application-wide default or Git's default name %{branch_name_default} will be used.") % { branch_name_default: fallback_branch_name }).html_safe = f.hidden_field :redirect_target, value: "repository_settings" = f.submit _('Save changes'), class: 'gl-button btn-success'