xml.entry do xml.id project_issue_url(issue.project, issue) xml.link href: project_issue_url(issue.project, issue) xml.title truncate(issue.title, length: 80) xml.updated issue.updated_at.xmlschema xml.media :thumbnail, width: "40", height: "40", url: image_url(avatar_icon_for_user(issue.author)) xml.author do xml.name issue.author_name xml.email issue.author_public_email if issue.author_public_email && !issue.author_public_email.empty? end xml.summary issue.title xml.content issue.description if issue.description xml.milestone issue.milestone.title if issue.milestone xml.due_date issue.due_date if issue.due_date # Specifies a category that the entry belongs to. A entry may have multiple category elements. unless issue.labels.empty? issue.labels.each do |label| xml.category term: label.name, label: label.name end end # Names each contributor to the entry. An entry may have multiple contributor elements. if issue.assignees.any? issue.assignees.each do |assignee| xml.contributor do xml.name assignee.name xml.email assignee.public_email if assignee.public_email && !assignee.public_email.empty? end end end end