- page_title "Notifications" - header_title page_title, profile_notifications_path = form_for @user, url: profile_notifications_path, method: :put, html: { class: 'update-notifications prepend-top-default' } do |f| -if @user.errors.any? %div.alert.alert-danger %ul - @user.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %li= msg = hidden_field_tag :notification_type, 'global' .row .col-lg-3.profile-settings-sidebar %h4 = page_title %p You can specify notification level per group or per project. %p By default, all projects and groups will use the global notifications setting. .col-lg-9 %h5 Global notification settings .form-group = f.label :notification_email, class: "label-light" = f.select :notification_email, @user.all_emails, { include_blank: false }, class: "select2" .form-group = f.label :notification_level, class: 'label-light' .radio = f.label :notification_level, value: Notification::N_DISABLED do = f.radio_button :notification_level, Notification::N_DISABLED .level-title Disabled %p You will not get any notifications via email .radio = f.label :notification_level, value: Notification::N_MENTION do = f.radio_button :notification_level, Notification::N_MENTION .level-title On Mention %p You will receive notifications only for comments in which you were @mentioned .radio = f.label :notification_level, value: Notification::N_PARTICIPATING do = f.radio_button :notification_level, Notification::N_PARTICIPATING .level-title Participating %p You will only receive notifications from related resources (e.g. from your commits or assigned issues) .radio = f.label :notification_level, value: Notification::N_WATCH do = f.radio_button :notification_level, Notification::N_WATCH .level-title Watch %p You will receive notifications for any activity .prepend-top-default = f.submit 'Update settings', class: "btn btn-create" %hr .col-lg-9.col-lg-push-3 %h5 Groups (#{@group_members.count}) %div %ul.bordered-list - @group_members.each do |group_member| - notification = Notification.new(group_member) = render 'settings', type: 'group', membership: group_member, notification: notification %h5 Projects (#{@project_members.count}) %p.account-well To specify the notification level per project of a group you belong to, you need to be a member of the project itself, not only its group. .append-bottom-default %ul.bordered-list - @project_members.each do |project_member| - notification = Notification.new(project_member) = render 'settings', type: 'project', membership: project_member, notification: notification