- if lookup_context.template_exists?('top', "projects/services/#{integration.to_param}", true) = render "projects/services/#{integration.to_param}/top", integration: integration - if integration.activate_disabled_reason.present? && integration.activate_disabled_reason[:trackers].any? -# When using integration.activate_disabled_reason[:trackers], it's potentially insecure to use the raw records -# when passed directly to the frontend. Only use specific fields that are needed for render. -# For example, we can get the link to each tracker with scoped_edit_integration_path(tracker, tracker.project) = render 'shared/global_alert', title: s_('ExternalIssueIntegration|Another issue tracker is already in use'), variant: :warning, dismissible: false do .gl-alert-body = s_('ExternalIssueIntegration|Only one issue tracker integration can be active at a time. Please disable the active tracker first and try again.') %h3.page-title = integration.title - if integration.operating? = sprite_icon('check', css_class: 'gl-text-green-500') = render 'shared/integration_settings', integration: integration - if lookup_context.template_exists?('show', "projects/services/#{integration.to_param}", true) %hr = render "projects/services/#{integration.to_param}/show", integration: integration