.row.prepend-top-default .col-lg-12 = form_for @project, url: project_settings_ci_cd_path(@project) do |f| = form_errors(@project) %fieldset.builds-feature .form-group - message = auto_devops_warning_message(@project) - ci_file_formatted = '.gitlab-ci.yml'.html_safe - if message %p.settings-message.text-center = message.html_safe = f.fields_for :auto_devops_attributes, @auto_devops do |form| .radio = form.label :enabled_true do = form.radio_button :enabled, 'true' %strong= s_('CICD|Enable Auto DevOps') %br = s_('CICD|The Auto DevOps pipeline configuration will be used when there is no %{ci_file} in the project.').html_safe % { ci_file: ci_file_formatted } .radio = form.label :enabled_false do = form.radio_button :enabled, 'false' %strong= s_('CICD|Disable Auto DevOps') %br = s_('CICD|An explicit %{ci_file} needs to be specified before you can begin using Continuous Integration and Delivery.').html_safe % { ci_file: ci_file_formatted } .radio = form.label :enabled_ do = form.radio_button :enabled, '' %strong= s_('CICD|Instance default (%{state})') % { state: "#{Gitlab::CurrentSettings.auto_devops_enabled? ? _('enabled') : _('disabled')}" } %br = s_('CICD|Follow the instance default to either have Auto DevOps enabled or disabled when there is no project specific %{ci_file}.').html_safe % { ci_file: ci_file_formatted } = form.label :domain, class:"prepend-top-10" do = _('Domain') = form.text_field :domain, class: 'form-control', placeholder: 'domain.com' .help-block = s_('CICD|You need to specify a domain if you want to use Auto Review Apps and Auto Deploy stages.') = link_to icon('question-circle'), help_page_path('topics/autodevops/index.md', anchor: 'auto-devops-base-domain'), target: '_blank' = f.submit 'Save changes', class: "btn btn-success prepend-top-15"