- commit = @repository.commit(tag.dereferenced_target) - release = @releases.find { |release| release.tag == tag.name } %li.flex-row .row-main-content.str-truncated = link_to project_tag_path(@project, tag.name), class: 'item-title ref-name' do = icon('tag') = tag.name - if protected_tag?(@project, tag) %span.label.label-success protected - if tag.message.present?   = strip_gpg_signature(tag.message) - if commit .block-truncated = render 'projects/branches/commit', commit: commit, project: @project - else %p Cant find HEAD commit for this tag - if release && release.description.present? .description.prepend-top-default .wiki = markdown_field(release, :description) .row-fixed-content.controls = render 'projects/buttons/download', project: @project, ref: tag.name, pipeline: @tags_pipelines[tag.name] - if can?(current_user, :push_code, @project) = link_to edit_project_tag_release_path(@project, tag.name), class: 'btn has-tooltip', title: "Edit release notes", data: { container: "body" } do = icon("pencil") - if can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project) = link_to project_tag_path(@project, tag.name), class: "btn btn-remove remove-row has-tooltip #{protected_tag?(@project, tag) ? 'disabled' : ''}", title: "Delete tag", method: :delete, data: { confirm: "Deleting the '#{tag.name}' tag cannot be undone. Are you sure?", container: 'body' }, remote: true do = icon("trash-o")