- webhooks_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: help_page_path(hook.help_path) } %h4.gl-mt-0 = page_title - if @project - integrations_link_start = ''.html_safe % { url: scoped_integrations_path } %p= _("%{webhooks_link_start}%{webhook_type}%{link_end} enable you to send notifications to web applications in response to events in a group or project. We recommend using an %{integrations_link_start}integration%{link_end} in preference to a webhook.").html_safe % { webhooks_link_start: webhooks_link_start, webhook_type: hook.pluralized_name, integrations_link_start: integrations_link_start, link_end: ''.html_safe } - else %p= _("%{webhooks_link_start}%{webhook_type}%{link_end} enable you to send notifications to web applications in response to events in a group or project.").html_safe % { webhooks_link_start: webhooks_link_start, webhook_type: hook.pluralized_name, link_end: ''.html_safe }