# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module GithubImport module StageMethods # project_id - The ID of the GitLab project to import the data into. def perform(project_id) info(project_id, message: 'starting stage') return unless (project = find_project(project_id)) client = GithubImport.new_client_for(project) try_import(client, project) info(project_id, message: 'stage finished') rescue StandardError => e error(project_id, e) end # client - An instance of Gitlab::GithubImport::Client. # project - An instance of Project. def try_import(client, project) import(client, project) rescue RateLimitError self.class.perform_in(client.rate_limit_resets_in, project.id) end # rubocop: disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord def find_project(id) # If the project has been marked as failed we want to bail out # automatically. Project.joins_import_state.where(import_state: { status: :started }).find_by(id: id) end # rubocop: enable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord private def info(project_id, extra = {}) logger.info(log_attributes(project_id, extra)) end def error(project_id, exception) logger.error( log_attributes( project_id, message: 'stage failed', 'error.message': exception.message ) ) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_exception( exception, log_attributes(project_id) ) end def log_attributes(project_id, extra = {}) extra.merge( import_source: :github, project_id: project_id, import_stage: self.class.name ) end def logger @logger ||= Gitlab::Import::Logger.build end end end end