# # PRODUCTION # production: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: gitlabhq_geo_production pool: 10 username: git password: "secure password" host: localhost fdw: true # # Development specific # development: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: gitlabhq_geo_development pool: 5 username: postgres password: "secure password" host: localhost fdw: true # # Staging specific # staging: adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: gitlabhq_geo_staging pool: 10 username: git password: "secure password" host: localhost fdw: true # Warning: The database defined as "test" will be erased and # re-generated from your development database when you run "rake". # Do not set this db to the same as development or production. test: &test adapter: postgresql encoding: unicode database: gitlabhq_geo_test pool: 5 username: postgres password: host: localhost fdw: true