class GenerateProjectFeatureForProjects < ActiveRecord::Migration DOWNTIME = true DOWNTIME_REASON = <<-HEREDOC Application was eager loading project_feature for all projects generating an extra query everytime a project was fetched. We removed that behavior to avoid the extra query, this migration makes sure all projects have a project_feature record associated. HEREDOC def up # Generate enabled values for each project feature 20, 20, 20, 20, 20 # All features are enabled by default enabled_values = [ProjectFeature::ENABLED] * 5 execute <<-EOF.strip_heredoc INSERT INTO project_features (project_id, merge_requests_access_level, builds_access_level, issues_access_level, snippets_access_level, wiki_access_level) (SELECT, #{enabled_values.join(',')} FROM projects LEFT OUTER JOIN project_features ON project_features.project_id = WHERE IS NULL) EOF end def down "Not needed" end end