class MigrateLegacyArtifactsToJobArtifacts < ActiveRecord::Migration include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers DOWNTIME = false MIGRATION = 'MigrateLegacyArtifacts'.freeze BATCH_SIZE = 2000 TMP_INDEX = 'tmp_index_ci_builds_on_present_artifacts_file'.freeze disable_ddl_transaction! class Build < ActiveRecord::Base include EachBatch self.table_name = 'ci_builds' self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled scope :with_legacy_artifacts, -> { where("artifacts_file <> ''") } scope :without_new_artifacts, -> do where('NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM ci_job_artifacts WHERE ( = ci_job_artifacts.job_id) AND ci_job_artifacts.file_type = 1)') end end def up ## # We add a temporary index to the `ci_builds.artifacts_file` column. # Without the index, the first query (`SELECT .. WHERE .. ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT 1``) of `each_batch` will likely fail by statement timeout. # The following querires which will be executed in backgroun migrartions are fine without the index, # because it's scanned by using `BETWEEN` clause (e.g. 'id BETWEEN 0 AND 2000') at the beginning and narrow down target rows. unless index_exists_by_name?(:ci_builds, TMP_INDEX) if Gitlab::Database.postgresql? add_concurrent_index :ci_builds, :artifacts_file, where: "artifacts_file <> ''", name: TMP_INDEX end end MigrateLegacyArtifactsToJobArtifacts::Build .with_legacy_artifacts.without_new_artifacts.tap do |relation| queue_background_migration_jobs_by_range_at_intervals(relation, MIGRATION, 5.minutes, batch_size: BATCH_SIZE) end remove_concurrent_index_by_name(:ci_builds, TMP_INDEX) end def down if index_exists_by_name?(:ci_builds, TMP_INDEX) remove_concurrent_index_by_name(:ci_builds, TMP_INDEX) end end end