--- stage: Verify group: Continuous Integration info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#designated-technical-writers disqus_identifier: 'https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/pipelines/schedules.html' type: reference, howto --- # Pipeline schedules > - Introduced in GitLab 9.1 as [Trigger Schedule](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/10533). > - [Renamed to Pipeline Schedule](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/10853) in GitLab 9.2. Pipelines are normally run based on certain conditions being met. For example, when a branch is pushed to repository. Pipeline schedules can be used to also run [pipelines](index.md) at specific intervals. For example: - Every month on the 22nd for a certain branch. - Once every day. In addition to using the GitLab UI, pipeline schedules can be maintained using the [Pipeline schedules API](../../api/pipeline_schedules.md). Schedule timing is configured with cron notation, parsed by [Fugit](https://github.com/floraison/fugit). ## Prerequisites In order for a scheduled pipeline to be created successfully: - The schedule owner must have [permissions](../../user/permissions.md) to merge into the target branch. - The pipeline configuration must be valid. Otherwise the pipeline is not created. ## Configuring pipeline schedules To schedule a pipeline for project: 1. Navigate to the project's **CI / CD > Schedules** page. 1. Click the **New schedule** button. 1. Fill in the **Schedule a new pipeline** form. 1. Click the **Save pipeline schedule** button. ![New Schedule Form](img/pipeline_schedules_new_form.png) NOTE: **Note:** Pipelines execution [timing is dependent](#advanced-configuration) on Sidekiq's own schedule. In the **Schedules** index page you can see a list of the pipelines that are scheduled to run. The next run is automatically calculated by the server GitLab is installed on. ![Schedules list](img/pipeline_schedules_list.png) ### Using variables > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/12328) in GitLab 9.4. You can pass any number of arbitrary variables. They are available in GitLab CI/CD so that they can be used in your [`.gitlab-ci.yml` file](../../ci/yaml/README.md). ![Scheduled pipeline variables](img/pipeline_schedule_variables.png) ### Using only and except To configure a job to be executed only when the pipeline has been scheduled (or the opposite), use [only and except](../yaml/README.md#onlyexcept-basic) configuration keywords. For example: ```yaml job:on-schedule: only: - schedules script: - make world job: except: - schedules script: - make build ``` ### Advanced configuration The pipelines are not executed exactly on schedule because schedules are handled by Sidekiq, which runs according to its interval. For example, only two pipelines are created per day if: - You set a schedule to create a pipeline every minute (`* * * * *`). - The Sidekiq worker runs on 00:00 and 12:00 every day (`0 */12 * * *`). To change the Sidekiq worker's frequency: 1. Edit the `gitlab_rails['pipeline_schedule_worker_cron']` value in your instance's `gitlab.rb` file. 1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../../administration/restart_gitlab.md#omnibus-gitlab-reconfigure) for the changes to take effect. For GitLab.com, refer to the [dedicated settings page](../../user/gitlab_com/index.md#gitlab-cicd). ## Working with scheduled pipelines After configuration, GitLab supports many functions for working with scheduled pipelines. ### Running manually > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/-/merge_requests/15700) in GitLab 10.4. To trigger a pipeline schedule manually, click the "Play" button: ![Play Pipeline Schedule](img/pipeline_schedule_play.png) This schedules a background job to run the pipeline schedule. A flash message provides a link to the CI/CD Pipeline index page. NOTE: **Note:** To help avoid abuse, users are rate limited to triggering a pipeline once per minute. ### Taking ownership Pipelines are executed as a user, who owns a schedule. This influences what projects and other resources the pipeline has access to. If a user does not own a pipeline, you can take ownership by clicking the **Take ownership** button. The next time a pipeline is scheduled, your credentials are used. ![Schedules list](img/pipeline_schedules_ownership.png) If the owner of a pipeline schedule cannot create pipelines on the target branch, the schedule stops creating new pipelines. This can happen if, for example: - The owner is blocked or removed from the project. - The target branch or tag is protected. In this case, someone with sufficient privileges must take ownership of the schedule.