# Installing a locally compiled google-protobuf gem First we must find the exact version of google-protobuf that your GitLab installation requires. cd /home/git/gitlab # Only one of the following two commands will print something. It # will look like: * google-protobuf (3.2.0) bundle list | grep google-protobuf bundle check | grep google-protobuf Below we use `3.2.0` as an example. Replace it with the version number you found above. cd /home/git/gitlab sudo -u git -H gem install google-protobuf --version 3.2.0 --platform ruby Finally, you can test whether google-protobuf loads correctly. The following should print 'OK'. sudo -u git -H bundle exec ruby -rgoogle/protobuf -e 'puts :OK' If the `gem install` command fails you may need to install developer tools. On Debian: `apt-get install build-essential libgmp-dev`, on Centos/RedHat `yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'`.