Feature: Invites Background: Given "John Doe" is owner of group "Owned" And "John Doe" has invited "user@example.com" to group "Owned" Scenario: Viewing invitation when signed out When I visit the invitation page Then I should be redirected to the sign in page And I should see a notice telling me to sign in Scenario: Signing in to view invitation When I visit the invitation page And I sign in as "Mary Jane" Then I should be redirected to the invitation page Scenario: Viewing invitation when signed in Given I sign in as "Mary Jane" And I visit the invitation page Then I should see the invitation details And I should see an "Accept invitation" button And I should see a "Decline" button Scenario: Viewing invitation as an existing member Given I sign in as "John Doe" And I visit the invitation page Then I should see a message telling me I'm already a member Scenario: Accepting the invitation Given I sign in as "Mary Jane" And I visit the invitation page And I click the "Accept invitation" button Then I should be redirected to the group page And I should see a notice telling me I have access Scenario: Declining the application when signed in Given I sign in as "Mary Jane" And I visit the invitation page And I click the "Decline" button Then I should be redirected to the dashboard And I should see a notice telling me I have declined Scenario: Declining the application when signed out When I visit the invitation's decline page Then I should be redirected to the sign in page And I should see a notice telling me I have declined