Feature: Project Fork Background: Given I sign in as a user And I am a member of project "Shop" When I visit project "Shop" page Scenario: User fork a project Given I click link "Fork" When I fork to my namespace Then I should see the forked project page Scenario: User already has forked the project Given I already have a project named "Shop" in my namespace And I click link "Fork" When I fork to my namespace Then I should see a "Name has already been taken" warning Scenario: Merge request on canonical repo goes to fork merge request page Given I click link "Fork" And I fork to my namespace Then I should see the forked project page When I visit project "Shop" page Then I should see "New merge request" And I goto the Merge Requests page Then I should see "New merge request" And I click link "New merge request" Then I should see the new merge request page for my namespace Scenario: Viewing forks of a Project Given I click link "Fork" When I fork to my namespace And I visit the forks page of the "Shop" project Then I should see my fork on the list Scenario: Viewing forks of a Project that has no repo Given I click link "Fork" When I fork to my namespace And I make forked repo invalid And I visit the forks page of the "Shop" project Then I should see my fork on the list Scenario: Viewing private forks of a Project Given There is an existent fork of the "Shop" project And I click link "Fork" When I fork to my namespace And I visit the forks page of the "Shop" project Then I should see my fork on the list And I should not see the other fork listed And I should see a private fork notice