@project_merge_requests Feature: Revert Merge Requests Background: Given There is an open Merge Request And I am signed in as a developer of the project And I am on the Merge Request detail page And I click on Accept Merge Request And I am on the Merge Request detail page @javascript Scenario: I revert a merge request Given I click on the revert button And I revert the changes directly Then I should see the revert merge request notice @javascript Scenario: I revert a merge request that was previously reverted Given I click on the revert button And I revert the changes directly And I am on the Merge Request detail page And I click on the revert button And I revert the changes directly Then I should see a revert error @javascript Scenario: I revert a merge request in a new merge request Given I click on the revert button And I am on the Merge Request detail page And I click on the revert button And I revert the changes in a new merge request Then I should see the new merge request notice