Feature: Project Background: Given I sign in as a user And I own project "Shop" And project "Shop" has push event And I visit project "Shop" page Scenario: I edit the project avatar Given I visit edit project "Shop" page When I change the project avatar And I should see new project avatar And I should see the "Remove avatar" button Scenario: I remove the project avatar Given I visit edit project "Shop" page And I have an project avatar When I remove my project avatar Then I should see the default project avatar And I should not see the "Remove avatar" button @javascript Scenario: I enable issues Given I visit edit project "Shop" page When I enable project issues Then I should see the issues settings Scenario: I should have readme on page And I visit project "Shop" page Then I should see project "Shop" README Scenario: I should see last commit with CI Given project "Shop" has CI enabled Given project "Shop" has CI build And I visit project "Shop" page And I should see last commit with CI status @javascript Scenario: I should see project activity When I visit project "Shop" activity page Then I should see project "Shop" activity feed Scenario: I visit edit project When I visit edit project "Shop" page Then I should see project settings Scenario: I edit project When I visit edit project "Shop" page And change project settings And I save project Then I should see project with new settings Scenario: I change project path When I visit edit project "Shop" page And change project path settings Then I should see project with new path settings Scenario: I visit edit project and fill in merge request template When I visit edit project "Shop" page Then I should see project settings And I fill in merge request template And I save project Then I should see project with merge request template saved Scenario: I should change project default branch When I visit edit project "Shop" page And change project default branch And I save project Then I should see project default branch changed Scenario: I tag a project When I visit edit project "Shop" page Then I should see project settings And I add project tags And I save project Then I should see project tags Scenario: I should not see "New Issue" or "New Merge Request" buttons Given I disable issues and merge requests in project When I visit project "Shop" page Then I should not see "New Issue" button And I should not see "New Merge Request" button Scenario: I should not see Project snippets Given I disable snippets in project When I visit project "Shop" page Then I should not see "Snippets" button @javascript Scenario: I edit Project Notifications Given I click notifications drop down button When I choose Mention setting Then I should see Notification saved message Scenario: I should see command line instructions Given I own an empty project And I visit my empty project page And I create bare repo Then I should see command line instructions