# frozen_string_literal: true module API class ProjectImport < Grape::API include PaginationParams MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE = 50.megabytes helpers Helpers::ProjectsHelpers helpers Helpers::FileUploadHelpers helpers do def import_params declared_params(include_missing: false) end def throttled?(key, scope) rate_limiter.throttled?(key, scope: scope) end def rate_limiter ::Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter end def with_workhorse_upload_acceleration? request.headers[Gitlab::Workhorse::INTERNAL_API_REQUEST_HEADER].present? end end before do forbidden! unless Gitlab::CurrentSettings.import_sources.include?('gitlab_project') end resource :projects, requirements: API::NAMESPACE_OR_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS do desc 'Workhorse authorize the project import upload' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9' end post 'import/authorize' do require_gitlab_workhorse! status 200 content_type Gitlab::Workhorse::INTERNAL_API_CONTENT_TYPE ImportExportUploader.workhorse_authorize(has_length: false, maximum_size: MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE) end params do requires :path, type: String, desc: 'The new project path and name' # TODO: remove rubocop disable - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/issues/14960 # and mark WH fields as required (instead of optional) after the WH version including # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-workhorse/-/merge_requests/459 # is deployed and GITLAB_WORKHORSE_VERSION is updated accordingly. requires :file, types: [::API::Validations::Types::WorkhorseFile, File], desc: 'The project export file to be imported' # rubocop:disable Scalability/FileUploads optional :name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the project to be imported. Defaults to the path of the project if not provided.' optional :namespace, type: String, desc: "The ID or name of the namespace that the project will be imported into. Defaults to the current user's namespace." optional :overwrite, type: Boolean, default: false, desc: 'If there is a project in the same namespace and with the same name overwrite it' optional :override_params, type: Hash, desc: 'New project params to override values in the export' do use :optional_project_params end optional 'file.path', type: String, desc: 'Path to locally stored body (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.name', type: String, desc: 'Real filename as send in Content-Disposition (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.type', type: String, desc: 'Real content type as send in Content-Type (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.size', type: Integer, desc: 'Real size of file (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.md5', type: String, desc: 'MD5 checksum of the file (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.sha1', type: String, desc: 'SHA1 checksum of the file (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.sha256', type: String, desc: 'SHA256 checksum of the file (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.etag', type: String, desc: 'Etag of the file (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.remote_id', type: String, desc: 'Remote_id of the file (generated by Workhorse)' optional 'file.remote_url', type: String, desc: 'Remote_url of the file (generated by Workhorse)' end desc 'Create a new project import' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 10.6.' success Entities::ProjectImportStatus end post 'import' do require_gitlab_workhorse! if with_workhorse_upload_acceleration? key = "project_import".to_sym if throttled?(key, [current_user, key]) rate_limiter.log_request(request, "#{key}_request_limit".to_sym, current_user) render_api_error!({ error: _('This endpoint has been requested too many times. Try again later.') }, 429) end Gitlab::QueryLimiting.whitelist('https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/42437') namespace = if import_params[:namespace] find_namespace!(import_params[:namespace]) else current_user.namespace end # TODO: remove the condition after the WH version including # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-workhorse/-/merge_requests/459 # is deployed and GITLAB_WORKHORSE_VERSION is updated accordingly. file = if with_workhorse_upload_acceleration? import_params[:file] || bad_request!('Unable to process project import file') else validate_file! import_params[:file]['tempfile'] end project_params = { path: import_params[:path], namespace_id: namespace.id, name: import_params[:name], file: file, overwrite: import_params[:overwrite] } override_params = import_params.delete(:override_params) filter_attributes_using_license!(override_params) if override_params project = ::Projects::GitlabProjectsImportService.new( current_user, project_params, override_params ).execute render_api_error!(project.errors.full_messages&.first, 400) unless project.saved? present project, with: Entities::ProjectImportStatus end params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of a project' end desc 'Get a project export status' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 10.6.' success Entities::ProjectImportStatus end get ':id/import' do present user_project, with: Entities::ProjectImportStatus end end end end