module API class Templates < Grape::API GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_TYPES = { gitignores: Gitlab::Template::GitignoreTemplate, gitlab_ci_ymls: Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate }.freeze helpers do def render_response(template_type, template) not_found!(template_type.to_s.singularize) unless template present template, with: Entities::Template end end GLOBAL_TEMPLATE_TYPES.each do |template_type, klass| # Get the list of the available template # # Example Request: # GET /gitignores # GET /gitlab_ci_ymls get template_type.to_s do present klass.all, with: Entities::TemplatesList end # Get the text for a specific template present in local filesystem # # Parameters: # name (required) - The name of a template # # Example Request: # GET /gitignores/Elixir # GET /gitlab_ci_ymls/Ruby get "#{template_type}/:name" do required_attributes! [:name] new_template = klass.find(params[:name]) render_response(template_type, new_template) end end end end