# frozen_string_literal: true module Banzai module Filter class WikiLinkFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter class Rewriter def initialize(link_string, wiki:, slug:) @uri = Addressable::URI.parse(link_string) @wiki_base_path = wiki && wiki.wiki_base_path @slug = slug end def apply_rules # Special case: relative URLs beginning with `/uploads/` refer to # user-uploaded files will be handled elsewhere. return @uri.to_s if public_upload? # Special case: relative URLs beginning with Wikis::CreateAttachmentService::ATTACHMENT_PATH # refer to user-uploaded files to the wiki repository. unless repository_upload? apply_file_link_rules! apply_hierarchical_link_rules! end apply_relative_link_rules! @uri.to_s end private # Of the form 'file.md' def apply_file_link_rules! @uri = Addressable::URI.join(@slug, @uri) if @uri.extname.present? end # Of the form `./link`, `../link`, or similar def apply_hierarchical_link_rules! @uri = Addressable::URI.join(@slug, @uri) if @uri.to_s[0] == '.' end # Any link _not_ of the form `http://example.com/` def apply_relative_link_rules! if @uri.relative? && @uri.path.present? link = ::File.join(@wiki_base_path, @uri.path) link = "#{link}##{@uri.fragment}" if @uri.fragment @uri = Addressable::URI.parse(link) end end def public_upload? @uri.relative? && @uri.path.starts_with?('/uploads/') end def repository_upload? @uri.relative? && @uri.path.starts_with?(Wikis::CreateAttachmentService::ATTACHMENT_PATH) end end end end end