module DeclarativePolicy # The return value of a rule { ... } declaration. # Can call back to register rules with the containing # Policy class (context_class here). See Base.rule # # Note that the #policy method just performs an #instance_eval, # which is useful for multiple #enable or #prevent callse. # # Also provides a #method_missing proxy to the context # class's class methods, so that helper methods can be # defined and used in a #policy { ... } block. class PolicyDsl def initialize(context_class, rule) @context_class = context_class @rule = rule end def policy(&b) instance_eval(&b) end def enable(*abilities) @context_class.enable_when(abilities, @rule) end def prevent(*abilities) @context_class.prevent_when(abilities, @rule) end def prevent_all @context_class.prevent_all_when(@rule) end def method_missing(m, *a, &b) return super unless @context_class.respond_to?(m) @context_class.__send__(m, *a, &b) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def respond_to_missing?(m) @context_class.respond_to?(m) || super end end end