# frozen_string_literal: true require 'asciidoctor' require 'asciidoctor-plantuml' require 'asciidoctor/extensions' require 'gitlab/asciidoc/html5_converter' require 'gitlab/asciidoc/syntax_highlighter/html_pipeline_adapter' module Gitlab # Parser/renderer for the AsciiDoc format that uses Asciidoctor and filters # the resulting HTML through HTML pipeline filters. module Asciidoc MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH = 5 DEFAULT_ADOC_ATTRS = { 'showtitle' => true, 'idprefix' => 'user-content-', 'idseparator' => '-', 'env' => 'gitlab', 'env-gitlab' => '', 'source-highlighter' => 'gitlab-html-pipeline', 'icons' => 'font', 'outfilesuffix' => '.adoc', 'max-include-depth' => MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH }.freeze # Public: Converts the provided Asciidoc markup into HTML. # # input - the source text in Asciidoc format # context - :commit, :project, :ref, :requested_path # def self.render(input, context) extensions = proc do include_processor ::Gitlab::Asciidoc::IncludeProcessor.new(context) end asciidoc_opts = { safe: :secure, backend: :gitlab_html5, attributes: DEFAULT_ADOC_ATTRS, extensions: extensions } context[:pipeline] = :ascii_doc plantuml_setup html = ::Asciidoctor.convert(input, asciidoc_opts) html = Banzai.render(html, context) html.html_safe end def self.plantuml_setup Asciidoctor::PlantUml.configure do |conf| conf.url = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.plantuml_url conf.svg_enable = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.plantuml_enabled conf.png_enable = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.plantuml_enabled conf.txt_enable = false end end end end