# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module BackgroundMigration def self.queue @queue ||= BackgroundMigrationWorker.sidekiq_options['queue'] end # Begins stealing jobs from the background migrations queue, blocking the # caller until all jobs have been completed. # # When a migration raises a StandardError is is going to be retries up to # three times, for example, to recover from a deadlock. # # When Exception is being raised, it enqueues the migration again, and # re-raises the exception. # # steal_class - The name of the class for which to steal jobs. def self.steal(steal_class, retry_dead_jobs: false) queues = [ Sidekiq::ScheduledSet.new, Sidekiq::Queue.new(self.queue) ] if retry_dead_jobs queues << Sidekiq::RetrySet.new queues << Sidekiq::DeadSet.new end queues.each do |queue| queue.each do |job| migration_class, migration_args = job.args next unless job.queue == self.queue next unless migration_class == steal_class begin perform(migration_class, migration_args) if job.delete rescue Exception # rubocop:disable Lint/RescueException BackgroundMigrationWorker # enqueue this migration again .perform_async(migration_class, migration_args) raise end end end end ## # Performs a background migration. # # class_name - The name of the background migration class as defined in the # Gitlab::BackgroundMigration namespace. # # arguments - The arguments to pass to the background migration's "perform" # method. def self.perform(class_name, arguments) migration_class_for(class_name).new.perform(*arguments) end def self.exists?(migration_class, additional_queues = []) enqueued = Sidekiq::Queue.new(self.queue) scheduled = Sidekiq::ScheduledSet.new enqueued_job?([enqueued, scheduled], migration_class) end def self.dead_jobs?(migration_class) dead_set = Sidekiq::DeadSet.new enqueued_job?([dead_set], migration_class) end def self.retrying_jobs?(migration_class) retry_set = Sidekiq::RetrySet.new enqueued_job?([retry_set], migration_class) end def self.migration_class_for(class_name) # We don't pass class name with Gitlab::BackgroundMigration:: prefix anymore # but some jobs could be already spawned so we need to have some backward compatibility period. # Can be removed since 13.x full_class_name_prefix_regexp = /\A(::)?Gitlab::BackgroundMigration::/ if class_name.match(full_class_name_prefix_regexp) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_for_dev_exception( StandardError.new("Full class name is used"), class_name: class_name ) class_name = class_name.sub(full_class_name_prefix_regexp, '') end const_get(class_name, false) end def self.enqueued_job?(queues, migration_class) queues.each do |queue| queue.each do |job| return true if job.queue == self.queue && job.args.first == migration_class end end false end end end