# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module BackgroundMigration # A job to create ci_namespace_mirrors entries in batches class BackfillCiNamespaceMirrors class Namespace < ActiveRecord::Base # rubocop:disable Style/Documentation include ::EachBatch self.table_name = 'namespaces' self.inheritance_column = nil scope :base_query, -> do select(:id, :parent_id) end end PAUSE_SECONDS = 0.1 SUB_BATCH_SIZE = 500 def perform(start_id, end_id) batch_query = Namespace.base_query.where(id: start_id..end_id) batch_query.each_batch(of: SUB_BATCH_SIZE) do |sub_batch| first, last = sub_batch.pluck(Arel.sql('MIN(id), MAX(id)')).first ranged_query = Namespace.unscoped.base_query.where(id: first..last) update_sql = <<~SQL INSERT INTO ci_namespace_mirrors (namespace_id, traversal_ids) #{insert_values(ranged_query)} ON CONFLICT (namespace_id) DO NOTHING SQL # We do nothing on conflict because we consider they were already filled. Namespace.connection.execute(update_sql) sleep PAUSE_SECONDS end mark_job_as_succeeded(start_id, end_id) end private def insert_values(batch) calculated_traversal_ids( batch.allow_cross_joins_across_databases(url: 'https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/336433') ) end # Copied from lib/gitlab/background_migration/backfill_namespace_traversal_ids_children.rb def calculated_traversal_ids(batch) <<~SQL WITH RECURSIVE cte(source_id, namespace_id, parent_id, height) AS ( ( SELECT batch.id, batch.id, batch.parent_id, 1 FROM (#{batch.to_sql}) AS batch ) UNION ALL ( SELECT cte.source_id, n.id, n.parent_id, cte.height+1 FROM namespaces n, cte WHERE n.id = cte.parent_id ) ) SELECT flat_hierarchy.source_id as namespace_id, array_agg(flat_hierarchy.namespace_id ORDER BY flat_hierarchy.height DESC) as traversal_ids FROM (SELECT * FROM cte FOR UPDATE) flat_hierarchy GROUP BY flat_hierarchy.source_id SQL end def mark_job_as_succeeded(*arguments) Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigrationJob.mark_all_as_succeeded('BackfillCiNamespaceMirrors', arguments) end end end end